27th Team Harescramble Championship of the World in Athens, Ohio


PR Addict
Dunlop Tires has stepped up again this year and will be giving away assorted sizes of Dunlop Tires during both days of the 27th Annual Team Harescramble Championship of the World on Saturday and Sunday October 15 & 16 in Athens, Ohio. Dunlop who has sponsored the event for many years wanted to continue with as much support as they could.

We are still looking for contingency sponsors that will provide merchandise or certificates for door prizes and to the top placing teams in each contingency paying class. It looks like other sponsors will be participating as well. Go to www.ActionSportsRacing.com for all the event info and stay tuned for announcements as other sponsors come on board.

Drew Wolfe
Action Sports Promotions, Inc.
P.O. Box 488 -10700 Salem Road
Athens, OH 45701
Phone and Fax: 740-594-6686
Mobile: 740-591-7223