Recent content by Jdunn217

  1. Jdunn217

    Lets see your bike pics!

  2. Jdunn217

    Zach Bell Dallas SX (spoiler)

    On a completely unrelated note, I now want a 6D helmet.
  3. Jdunn217

    What do YOU carry?

    LOL that's a good one.
  4. Jdunn217

    Pros Bikes

    I always liked TP's cernic suzukis. They looked great with that years Thor core gear. Especially this one...
  5. Jdunn217

    A1 is it on Live 1/19

    Anybody else having problems with the live stream feed? Just says processing come back later. I'd also like to say goodbye Kevin Windham, you're a true legend and I'm probably going to cry before I go to sleep tonight! Haha
  6. Jdunn217

    Gun control

    I was having some debates with liberals as far as this issue goes. When I try to explain why an assualt weapon ban/magazine limit is infringing on the second amendment, their comebacks at me were the constitution is flawed and outdated. Yep liberal logic = what our whole country was built upon...
  7. Jdunn217

    Gun control

  8. Jdunn217

    Gun control

    Anyone catch the words sandy hook on the map of Gotham in the Dark knight rises movie? It happens at 1 hour and 58 minutes into the movie. Can someone that has the movie confirm this?
  9. Jdunn217

    Gun control

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> You are not alone TwentyThree, I honestly don't know if I believe it or not, but everyone needs to watch this video. There is just to many holes in the story. Columbine...
  10. Jdunn217

    Gun control

    That's why I love Texas! And this too... You're all welcome to come down if you get fed up with your representatives. There's plenty of room! Did I mention year round riding on national caliber tracks? :D
  11. Jdunn217

    What do YOU carry?

    Glock 19 with a comp tac minotaur inside the waistband holster. When I'm wearing a heavy jacket I prefer my full frame 45 acp Glock 21 in an over the waistband holster.
  12. Jdunn217

    Gun control

    Obama has been using dead children to push his unconstitutional agenda. I found out he will be surrounded by children tomorrow when he announces his executive orders to limit our 2nd amendment. He will use the children as shield to protect himself as he INFRINGES upon our constitutional RIGHTS...
  13. Jdunn217


    Thank you!!!! I have been doing that for years and never had any problem angling my camera. Some people just struggle with it so much and I don't know why because its not rocket science!
  14. Jdunn217

    STOLEN 2011 kx250f and 2006 yz125 STOLEN

    Congrats dude! Did the cops get the f***ing bastards that stole them?
  15. Jdunn217

    Gun control
