Recent content by jsmx328

  1. J

    Skyview Raceway race

    Track like that makes me want to race again
  2. J

    2015 By the numbers

    Tina Clary, that's going back a long time!
  3. J

    Not bad for old equipment with BNG

    Nothing better then the sound of a well ridden 125
  4. J


    They usually update on facebook
  5. J

    CTMX- I AM Chillitown

    That is AWESOME!
  6. J

    Big Game Pro Day Sept. 7th

    I second that . Very good announcing job !
  7. J

    Ain't the track. Ain't the dirt. It's the promoter.

    You should have won 450b . Nice holeshot1
  8. J

    Hand Racing @ Big Game Raceway-July 6th

    You deserve a huge turnout at next race! Hope you run races next year !
  9. J

    When is CRA Schedule Posting?

    That is exciting news . Wonder how much they will redesign the track?
  10. J

    Winter Projects Re-re-re-re-visited

    That is nice . Looks like it came off the showroom floor .
  11. J

    Winter Projects Re-re-re-re-visited

    The 96 looks like it's off the showroom floor.
  12. J

    Vet Fest

    Thank you
  13. J

    Vet Fest

    How do you get access to Vet Fest ? I am 48, think it would be my favorite forum.
  14. J

    Awesome 125 vs 250F video....with a local boy tearing it up!

    Nothing compares to a 125 with someone that knows how to ride it!
  15. J

    Kawasaki Grips

    Second the friction tape but I just spray it with WD40