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  1. P

    Pusheta Creek MX 3/31 & 4/1

    Will be having our first open practice for the year this weekend. Normal hours both days 11am - 5pm. $10 membership and $20 to ride. Weather is looking fair for this time of year and we could use a little rain. After alot of work we finally finished the new kids track that I've been trying to...
  2. P

    Monster Mountain No Longer Allows Quads to Practice on the Big Track During Winter Practice Season

    Its amazing but the quads usually are faster at Red Bud without jumping Larocc's leap and thats no joke! Thats the only jump pro quads don't do! It has more to do with how different the track is between bike weekend and quad. Quads are faster at the offcamber sections and the track gets hard...
  3. P

    Pusheta Creek MX Nov. 5 & 6

    Track was very good today and should still be very good tomorrow. Will have to water a little to keep it good! Last practice for the year! Remember the time change!
  4. P

    Pusheta Creek MX Nov. 5 & 6

    Track is in very good condition for the weekend. Got just the right amount of rain last night but may have to water alittle mid day to keep things good! Last open practice for the year and you're not going to see may more weekends as nice as this to ride.
  5. P

    Pusheta Creek MX Nov. 5 & 6

    Going to try and be open this weekend! Packed the track down before this rain hit to give it the best chances for the weekend. Getting some rain but hoping not to much. Normal hours 11am- 5pm both days just $20 to ride! Will update tomorrow after this rain passes! This will be the last open...
  6. P

    Pusheta Creek MX Oct. 23

    Track dried out some today but will still have deep ruts and some soft spots for Sunday. With the forecast for tomorrow the track should come around nice as long as people ride it!
  7. P

    Pusheta Creek MX Oct. 23

    Was suppose to be open all weekend but the track is too wet to be open on Saturday. Hoping the sunny is out most of the day on Saturday and the track should be good for Sunday. This time of year is just hard to know how the track is going to turnout after that much rain. Will update tomorrow...
  8. P

    Pusheta Creek MX 10/15 & 10/16

    Track was dry today due to the high winds. Hard to battle those kind of conditions. Track will be alot better on Sunday. Hoping the rain holds off until evening!
  9. P

    Pusheta Creek MX 10/15 & 10/16

    Will be open for practice this weekend normal hours 11am - 5pm both days. Track is still dry, not much rain today. Will be watering and grooming the track. Weather should be very nice this weekend but might not see to many more this year so come out and ride while you can.
  10. P

    Pusheta Creek MX 9/24 & 9/25

    Practice Cancelled for Sunday Sept. 25 Sorry!! It rained alittle over night and its sprinkling here now. Doesn't look like it would be any fun to ride on! Just not going to dry enough with the conditions! Next scheduled open practice is Oct. 15 & 16 weather permitting!
  11. P

    Pusheta Creek MX 9/24 & 9/25

    Track dried out some today but if it rains anymore we will not be open on Sunday! Waiting to see how the weather plays out tonight before I can say for sure if we will be open. If we open expect deep ruts and some soft spots but most of the track should be in good condition.
  12. P

    Pusheta Creek MX 9/24 & 9/25

    Track is CLOSED for Saturday! Way too much standing water on the track! Will do what I can tomorrow and hopefully it doesn't rain anymore tomorrow. Hoping to be open Sunday if everything goes good!
  13. P

    Pusheta Creek MX 9/24 & 9/25

    Planning on being open this weekend but hoping the weather works in our favor. Track will be moist for sure this weekend but hopefully we don't get rained out. Running normal hours 11am - 5pm both days and the track will be groomed but shouldn't have to water much.
  14. P

    Pusheta Creek MX 9/17 & 9/18

    Track is in great shape for the weekend and if it stays cloudy most of the day tomorrow it will stay damp all day! With this weather it will be a good weekend to ride!
  15. P

    Pusheta Creek MX 9/17 & 9/18

    Will be open for practice Sept. 17 & 18 normal hours 11am - 5pm. With the change in temp. the track should be very good this weekend. Will be very comfortable riding weather! Track will be watered and groomed like normal!
  16. P

    Pusheta Creek MX Friday 9/2

    Track should be good tomorrow but its going to be hot! Already started watering tonight! Hours are 4pm-8pm!
  17. P

    Pusheta Creek MX Friday 9/2

    Had an opening in my schedule so we decided to open up on Friday Sept. 2, 4pm-8pm. Track will be watered and groomed like always. Hopefully the weather will be nice that day. Will update later next week.
  18. P

    Pusheta Creek MX 8/20 & 8/21

    Track is in great shape for Sunday. Got a little rain over night that helped. May be a shower here or there today which will not hurt a bit!
  19. P

    Pusheta Creek MX 8/20 & 8/21

    The track is in great condition! Still no rain. I will be grooming and watering like normal.
  20. P

    Pusheta Creek MX 8/20 & 8/21

    Will be open for practice Aug. 20 & Aug. 21 normal hours 11am - 5pm. Track looks good but hoping for some rain. Installed a stoplight to help people know when we are going to water the track mid day. Hopefully it makes things easier for everyone.