Monster Mountain No Longer Allows Quads to Practice on the Big Track During Winter Practice Season


PR Member
With a huge amount of regret, I have to announce that we will not be allowing quads to practice on the big track this winter. Our primary business is motocross training for dirt bikes. Because of the number of complaints we receive and the potential business loses if we continue to allow ATVs to practice on the big track during our winter practice schedule, I am forced to stop doing quad practices on the big track.

We will resume quad practices during the week (probably Wednesdays) in mid-April 2012, after the winter training/practice schedule is over. We are also looking into the possibility of building a quad-specific track to give ATV riders a place to go.

But for now, sadly, we are no longer going to offer quad practice on the main outdoor track at Monster Mountain.

We will still allow ATVs (racing and recreational) to ride the trails and the vintage/GP track, just not the big track.

Tom B.


PR Founding Father
One more reason to go there!!

I think Bernard got bullied by quads guys in school or something. Maybe next time I see you I'll be after your milk money.......err something equivalent ;)

Oh and by the way score yourself 10 bonus points tom for the longest damn thread title in PR history.


PR Member
Sweet, bonus points. I knew something good would come of this......

I think Bernard got bullied by quads guys in school or something. Maybe next time I see you I'll be after your milk money.......err something equivalent ;)

Oh and by the way score yourself 10 bonus points tom for the longest damn thread title in PR history.
I don't know why you bike guys have to be so negative towards quads... we don't complain about how bikes leave huge ruts in the corners were just happy to have a few places to ride. Everywhere I go I hear guys on dirt bikes complaining about how the quads tear up the track and the bikes put allot bigger ruts and stuff in the track than a quad does and we don't complain, we just see it as part of MX racing just like jumping or whoops.

I also here bike guys say how slow we are at the tracks and this year I got the opportunity to ride with the A bikes...they made me start behind everyone and I still finished 2nd and gave the guy in first a run for his money (he was a A-class national rider). Here's a fun fact for you bike guys... pro quads run allot of the same tracks as pro bikes at nationals and not every track but allot of them (red bud, steel city, unidilla) the quads have faster lap times than the bikes... last year the quads and bikes ran redbud a couple weeks apart and they ran on the exact same track and chad weinen was consistently 5 seconds per lap faster than ryan dungy.

Sorry for the long rant but it's upsetting that we all love the same sport but because we prefer 4 wheels over 2 you guys think were slow and we shouldn't be aloud on the same track and now we have one less place to ride because of it.
Its amazing but the quads usually are faster at Red Bud without jumping Larocc's leap and thats no joke! Thats the only jump pro quads don't do! It has more to do with how different the track is between bike weekend and quad. Quads are faster at the offcamber sections and the track gets hard packed in some sections (on quad weekend) which makes them able to carry more speed. I've never timed it but I think the pro quads are even fast at the whoops but again because the track is firmer. The bikes sink in more which slows them down. If you watch the track crew at Red Bud work the starting line after the bikes and quads you would be amazed at how much looser the track is on bike weekend! With a bikes narrow tire it sinks in and has to dig harder were a quad, if they can stay on top, will carry more speed.
my lap times isn't a theory.... check it for your self and .... Red buds even a bad example because the sand and laroccos leap hurts the quads.... check out steel city or unadilla lap times.... dungy and villapoto wouldn't run top 5 in the pro quad class. you can't compare lap times for all the tracks because they do change some but red bud, steel city and unidilla are the same track/layout for quads and bikes, the condition of the track is different because bikes and quads create different ruts but in the end the laptimes show that the quads are faster.... i'm not trying to start a debate I'm just upset that SOME (not all) bike guys act like they're better than everyone else and cost us quad guys another place to ride. We should be on the same team here because with the economy the way it is allot of tracks are shutting down because of the low turn outs.


PR Addict
When it comes to racing.. 4 tires on the ground is almost always faster than 2

But the number of quad riders out there that actually prove that are few and far between (from what I've seen at local tracks around here)