Anyone see my wreck at Big Game last Sunday?


PR Member
Hey everyone! I was wondering if anyone saw my wreck last weekend at Big Game. I was racing open quad on the #555 KTM. Reason I'm asking is because my dad was on the phone with my mom and just saw the last part of the wreck and my brother didn't have a real good look at it from where he was at. I ended up having a concussion and cannot remember much of anything over the weekend. I was just wondering what I did wrong lol! ( For those who weren't there I wrecked on the big table right before the finish line.)


PR Founding Father

This you?

Welcome to the board...


PR Member
Thanks man.
No, I wish it was though. If I'd wrecked like that I would've remembered everything. I went over the bars on a 4th gear jump...
It happened on the lower mx track. I already went through his pics but didn't see the wreck. It's weird seeing yourself in pics when you don't remember anything and they were taken a couple days ago!


PR Addict
Hey Tyler,
Its Tina Sams (I was scoring that day) I did not see it, but to be honest, I was scoring and heard and big THUD! I looked at the flagger and said that sounded really bad, the you did not come arond and I was like Uh OH. I was later told that you over jumped the table and flat landed nose first and went a** over tin cup along with your quad, the dude said once you hit the ground you didnt move for a long time and Im sure your family knows from there...but like I said , this is what I was "told". Im glad you posted on here, I was worried about you. Happy its nothing worse than a serious concussion. Hope you and your family have a nice Holiday :eek:)!


PR Member
Yikes. Yeah I'm ok, just pretty sore. Thanks for posting that reply! My brother said there was a dip on top of the table just before the landing and thought maybe my rear wheels landed in that and kicked me over the bars. But if I over jumped to the flat no wonder I had a concussion! Thank God I wasn't hurt worse than that! My dad said I wasn't knocked out and seemed ok, but when I started asking him where my custom axis shocks were (which I myself swapped out for the stock shocks on Saturday because they weren't working) we went straight to the hospital!
Hope you and everyone on pitracer has a happy holiday!


PR Member
Anyone else see the wreck? My brother still thinks I may have cased the jump in the dip and bounced nose first into the flat. Also, did anyone find my go pro? Hopefully no one walked off with it...


PR Member
Lol for all I know I may have been knocked out by a 5 year old! I'm just going by what my dad and brother have told me.