All New Pitracer......


PR Addict
Thank You to John aka known as Pit to many people.Thank You John for all these years there is no better site in Ohio mx then pitracer.Me and a few others plan to keep pitracer going and are planning big things in the future.We are free and open to New and Bigger ideas for the site.....We are planning a huge ride day/party in a few weeks...To bring together all the old school and new school guys......Moto,Bon Fire,cold drinks,Bench racing ....Hopefully pitracer will join us as he passes the torch......Here is the bad news....We are thinking about Charging 30 bucks a year for the site to fund our parties and roll out some new pitracer gear....I would love all the feed back and if this is something people would be willing to pay for....Thank You and Ride on.....The season is upon us..Support your local mx tracks!!!!!! Thank you Joe..mx315