Moto 60 Sports Park Open This Saturday


PR Member
Hey everybody!

We have been working on the track the past few days! We added new burms through out the track along with some much needed ripping.

Saturday: 11a.m.- dark
$20/ rider
Bikes all day
Quads after 3p.m.

Sunday: 11a.m.-dark
$20/ rider
Bikes all day
Quads after 3p.m.

We hope to see you all out here this weekend!<P><div class=after_content><blockquote class="signature restore"><div class=signaturecontainer>Check us out on facebook, . Feel free to like the page and share to others that would be interested in checking us out.

This is the latest helmet cam video that we have! Enjoy!

If you have and questions please call Blake at (440) 787-3643, or Tom at (440) 986-1415. Email us at

6216 State Route 60
Wakeman, OH