

PR Addict
Time to build some momentum. Decided to lay-off a little due to the nature of the last entry and with some broad reaching announcements that have been made. Plus, really...I am to busy following this awesome SX season to write. Writing is taking a seat and this historical racing is on center stage! Haha! Go Bubba and Reed! Roczen is sweet to. RV Reigns! The "Dunginator" is living up to that nickname, just struggling to finish strong.

This is the speech given at the OMA Banquet.

Look for another entry soon!

P.S. The big foot joke was a flop!

May I have your attention! It is time for our riders meeting!

On behalf of the OMA - Welcome to the first Ohio Motocross Association Banquet in celebration of the 2013 motocross season and in awarding the honorary competitors and their accomplishments on the race track. It is very good to see you all! Folks, please, for us and all that this night stands for, a round of applause! Now time for the rider roll call...if you are present when will get to eat first. Just kidding. When I am finished, the Tangier staff will dismiss tables to get food. The food is set up down the hall. So just follow their direction.Ya know, on the way here, I was pretty nervous! In consideration of this past season in OMA's fledgling wing spreading; all the ups & downs, the joys and despairs, the racing, the pit fun, and our family. I am so glad to see that all our effort to be here was not in vain. We get cleaned up, looking nice, getting all fresh and swag like. The forecast for today is warmer and sunny, and this event is indoors, but with the recent big foot sighting a few blocks down the road; I thought this event may be cancelled or rescheduled. On the contrary. Thank you very much for your investment in us, your friendship, and a building trust!

In prelude to tonight's ceremonies, a speech of sorts seemed fitting. So here goes...

Reality...think about that word for a moment...

We are not promised tomorrow! The lives we lead, our behavior, and the personal choices we make matter! In many cases, these things have lasting influence upon each other, perhaps more than we realize. Our time is right here, right now! We live in a world where light and darkness exist! We live in a nation where freedom rules the land. Our lives can be changed in an instant for the worse, and each one of us is capable of making that one decision that can send our lives into serious destruction. Around the world and even in our own streets exists...war, poverty, crime, disease, famine, broken homes, fatherless and motherless children, the homeless, political corruption, murder, slavery and on and fill in the blank!For us to be here tonight, gathered as a community and more importantly as a family is something to be deeply thankful for! From that thankful heart...Warrants or rather demands a response in humility of the realization and acknowledgement of just how fortunate we are to be here by reason of our same passion towards life and motocross; most importantly, towards each other! Our common juncture in this room tonight has not come freely or by has been provided to us at a very high price! The most costly of all is the lives given and surrendered to upholding freedom and maintaining a society conduscive to freedom with responsible living! Would all military personnel, or family and friends of military personnel, past and present.. please stand! All those such as police officers, fire fighters, first responders, human health workers, and human aid workers...please stand!Look around, these people, help make it possible for us to be here tonight...please receive our deep thankfulness in applause! In not being thankful, in being selfish, and in being overly proud...I am guilty!

Motocross...think about that word for a moment...

I hope your smiling! That's what motocross does for us...we live, we ride, we smile, we are free! The freedom from the chains of this world felt when riding is the root of our passion. This passion then pours into our lives...our family and much so, that it becomes a strong sense of joy, and accomplishment, a sense of self and others...a sense of family! We work all week for the weekend just like many folks! Our weekends are full of roost, friends, and family. Motocross was here before us, and it is here right now. Marching into 2014, this is our time in motocross! OMA has not reinvented the wheel...just upgraded the wheel!

Family...think about that word for a moment...

A word with deep meaning. According to the 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary, the definition of family is...The collective body of persons who live in one house and under one head or manager; a household, including parents, children and servants. Our household is Motocross!Our head or manager, including this case is the OMA. Everything rises or falls on leadership! This the responsibility of the OMA. The children or servants. That is us! Every single person here tonight matters...we are the brother and sisters of motocross! It is the responsibility of the parents to the rule the household well and it is the responsibility of the children to listen to the parents. The roof over our head is motocross. is a relationship that requires responsibility from all parties...on and off the track. This defines the structure of family, but not the nature. In searching for words that describe good family nature...I chose three...Love, Trust, and Accountability!

Love...the definition

In a general sense to be pleased with; to regard with affection, on account of good qualities. An affection of the mind excited by beauty and worth of any kind. True love is unconditional and the source of true motivation and intent. We love a friend, on account of good qualities which give us pleasure in this life. We love our parents and our children on account of their connection with us, and on account of the many qualities which please us. Love is a strong attachment springing from good will and esteem, and the pleasure derived from the company, civilities, and kindness of others.

Trust...the definition

Confidence; a reliance or resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity or (habitual observance of truth), justice, friendship or other sound principles of another person. To believe with confidence, to place confidence in or rely on a person, a governing body, or a circumstance.

Accountability...the definition

The state of being liable to answer for one's conduct, liability to give account, and to receive reward or punishment for actions.

Those three words...Love, Trust, Accountability; matter greatly! I hope this is the kind of family we strive to be, in motocross and in our immediate families.Every single person matters and is important. And yes, this includes quad riders...although you are like the red-headed step-child of our family! You are especially loved when the track needs some mud cleared off! Us bike riders are like the bullying older one likes a bully!Bike riders and quad riders are both here to is time to lay this conflict to rest, grow-up and get over it! A good family is all about good relationships, no matter your role or what you ride. We each have a part in this family! Conflict will happen on and off the track, we are a flawed people! How we handle conflict will determine the kind of family and community we will be! If we live out these three words...Love, Trust, Accountability...the result is Joy, Strength, and Sound Character with courage to endure hardness!

Moving forward...

All things considered...the least we can do, our reasonable service; is to love each other, to build trust, and to hold each other accountable, rightly! To walk in thankfulness! We should be shining examples to all the children present and not present...they are looking to us for these very qualities including leadership. Tonight, when each child receives an award...we had better show them our love by applauding loud and clear; like right now! We love you kids!

To the OMA...

To Jason, Tina and the boys, to Jeremy and your family, to Connie and your family, to all the track promoters, workers and your families...from us to you, we say thank you! Applause!

As for me!

I count it nothing short of miraculous to be standing before you! Being among you brings me great joy and is humbling. I grew up a stones-throw away from Malvern Racing. I had a rough upbringing, but yet better than many others. I could have easily been a child that went off the deep end. But no matter what was happening, experiencing motocross set me free. I was very fortunate and blessed to have something good to be passionate about. Many out there don't have that opportunity. The same reasons we are here today is the same reasons that God has used motocross to save my life! You all have impacted my heart and life so very deeply...more than I could ever express with words. The least I can do is serve you well! The least I can say is thank you and I love you!

In 2014...may we be a true family, of motocross done right, a family worthy of true honor! A family of virtue and character with courage enough to care for one another. The present moment is our time, right here, right now!

Without further a due, please join me in prayer for our meal and fellowship!