When it all goes wrong on dirtscooters


PR Founding Father
Came across this video, it's entertaining, cringeful and scary all at the same time.Add your quotes with the time stamp! Let's have some fun with this.

@4:32-- 12 year old kids dropping F bombs at each other. Although If I was the parent I think that type of language was acceptable in that situation. I'm not sure how I couldn't laugh if I was witness to that.

@7:48-- Earlywine made the cut! Youchie for the tailbone.

@8:12--When whips don't come back; followed closely by when seat bouncers go bad.

@9:10--For some reason I just thought of Knox during this clip.


Double D

PR Founding Father
We are doomed as a planet! 90% of those were backyard idiots. Who let's their kids ride for first time in shorts on concrete.