Cromnibus passes


PR Elite

Jammed down the throats again a HUGE bill with no time to understand it. Seems we as people got the shaft again.

They relaxed bank regulations again setting us up to take the fall for them if their investments go bad

Increased individual political contributions from 100k to 800k.

Those are 2 things I saw that are a major concern to me. But I got angry and stopped researching.


PR Elite
And again Elizabeth Warren loudly protested against it. I'm not sure how many other Dems or Republicans agreed with her.
Agreed... This is a despicable display of our goverment in action.

Incredibly and disastrously F***************CKED UP!!


PR Founding Father
But wait, the President really liked it and disagrees with the Dem's that are against it. What's the worry?


PR Addict
I have to give congresscritters some credit. They certainly know how to follow the money, even if the electorate doesn't.


PR Elite
Is there anything good about this bill?

I Like this..... from Foxnews:
Senate passes $1.1 trillion spending bill, averting partial gov't shutdown

Despite the opposition from liberals, the package won a personal endorsement from Obama and was brought before the Senate. The legislation locks in spending levels negotiated in recent years between Republicans and Democrats, and includes a number of provisions that reflect the priorities of one party or the other, from the environment to abortion to the legalization of marijuana in the District of Columbia.

They must be working on "Pot Party Plans" for their 2015 Republican takeover.
The IRS, CIA, and Secret Service will be the coordinators since Partying is one of their areas of expertise!

On a more serious focus, its has become downright deceitful and disrespecting to the hard working Americans who bother to give a damn by fulfilling their civic duties to vote regularly, work hard paying tax's,and following the legal parameters of the American system when every time that Congress pass's a bill to amend the issues with corruption and every other dirty dealings they can get away with, only to later come back and "un-do" the previous bills language.

That's a good article KO.
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PR Elite


PR Addict
This is a perfect example of that "bipartisanship, and working togther to get things done" that everybody has been complaining was lacking. The only difference this time was that the fringe left actually joined those "tea "party of no" kooks" to attempt to create the "gridlock" that everybody keeps complaining about, and put the brakes on the establisment spending spree.

Even Ohio's fringe liberal senator Sherrod Brown managed to stand against the establishment he helped create, along with conservative Rob Portman.