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  1. SScarvelli215

    Need Some Help!

    Thank you all so much i have some research to do.
  2. SScarvelli215

    Need Some Help!

    I am tring to get a bike set up with cages on it and I am at the point where I have to set the brakes up so I can use them all by the front brake. I just dont know what i need to do to get the front and back to work off the front brake. Can anyone help me. If so please email me at...
  3. SScarvelli215

    Jay Hershey

    I am doing very well thanks for asking. My hopes are still very high and i still have not give up!!! AND NEVER WILL.......I still go to the tracks when I can to hang out with everyone. and as charlie said i am thinking about getting back on a bike and getting it all caged up but not totaly sure...
  4. SScarvelli215

    Jay Hershey

    Hey I have a couple questions for Jay Herhey is there anyone that has his number. If so can I please have it? Thanks Scott Scarvelli
  5. SScarvelli215

    Some neck brace testing, finally.

    I just wanna say it doesnt really matter how fast you are going I was going pretty slow and was jumping about a 10ft double at ram jams that i made a stupid little mistake and went over the bars. I am now paralyzed from chest down speed and jumps dont really matter is just crazy times and i was...
  6. SScarvelli215

    2010/2011 yz250f's

    I had a 09 before i got my 10 and loved my 09 but when i got my 10 i fell in love with it...i felt the power was totally different......i ddint have any regreats to getting a 10
  7. SScarvelli215

    4 people needed in free MX fantasy for prizes

    barrington for my first time i did pretty terrible
  8. SScarvelli215

    4 people needed in free MX fantasy for prizes

    ill do the last position i just need to know what website
  9. SScarvelli215

    #215 scott scarveli update

    Yes I got your pics thanks I cant wait to ride so I can have a little fun with one of them....I go home next week and cant wait.....therapy has done about all they can do here......I do not know yet where I am going after that but I am going somewhere......I will be up at ram jams saturday and...
  10. SScarvelli215

    #215 scott scarveli update

    I am doing really well make a very fast recovery.......i got t4 feeling back which is just under the pecks......i am staying very postive and cant wait to get home. THE bike was perfect.....not one thing wrong not bent bars not scratches nothing at all looked beautiful like...
  11. SScarvelli215

    #215 scott scarveli update

    thanks everyone I really love all the supports thanks everyone
  12. SScarvelli215

    #215 scott scarveli update

    Yes steven that would be awesome hope to here from you soon thanks
  13. SScarvelli215

    #215 scott scarveli update

    Today is day 15, had 33 staples removed from my 8" incision. Going to therapy for 3 hours a day and they are kicking my butt. Had a pulled muscle over the weekend so had a grouchy weekend but hey I think I am intitled to it. Still no feelings in my lower half but I am having tons of muscle...
  14. SScarvelli215

    #215 scott scarveli update

    thanks buddy i cant wait to here the are kicking my a** here but im ready for it...cant wait to walk to ride again
  15. SScarvelli215

    #215 scott scarveli update

    Hello all, this is day 8 things are moving along. Started therapy and staying strong. Very positive and a great attitude! He is totally amazing! Please continue to pray for him and continue to send all happy thoughts. This is all he has been doing so please keep the post coming. THANK YOU for...
  16. SScarvelli215

    #215 scott scarveli update

    my hours are different than everyone elses....u are aloud to come anytime as long as you arent loud thanks again to everyone
  17. SScarvelli215

    #215 scott scarveli update

    thank you so much you dont understand how much that measn to me....Please have CJ tx me again and say its him i havint really had my phone but i have it now....THANKS YOU EVERONE FOR EVERYTHING AND HOPE TO SEE ALL OF U SOON....even if we have never hung out i would still love your company thanks...
  18. SScarvelli215

    #215 scott scarveli update

    I AM DOING REALLY GOOD. i got moved today and will be starting theropy tomorrow. i have bin talking to tons of people today.. i love seeing people i am at metro in floor 7....pleaasse email at thanks love everyone