Advanced riding Techniques: Pro Level.


PR Member
OK heres my Im not a physics so Im not saying I am correct but I have raced sx and such. From the force aspect and such of it. The bike is compressed/ bottomed out up the face of triple, so there is some spring coming up and such and if you envision the arch of the path that the bike travels.... on the up ward before at the peak of top or coming down. The bike in traveling up from the take off and assistance of suspension. But the bike as to also carry the mass/ force of the rider that gravity pulls on him. So before reaching peak he lets loose of the pegs.. When your are riding your weight rides centered in the bike not on the bars....otherwise kiss your ass goodbye and if you look at alot of photos alot of riders in the air are barely even gripping the bike on the bars floating like that. It is a resting point in the race. So the weight is mainly on the pegs.....and the momentun force going up in the air, if he lets up on the pegs before climax, the bike no longer has to fight the weight/gravity force of the rider, gaining minimal float time. However this is only good until it hits the rider in the butt. then he and the bike descend through the arch pattern ....thats where I noted if you notice is isnt landing strong standing up good and such because of what he is giving up in the air... he loses the opportunity to have his legs planted good and to stand up strong for a case..therefore if you chose to do this and come up way are screwed.....

Like i said...Im not a physics major I am not saying I am right. lol But thats my belief from racing sx.


PR Founding Father
yeah way too much thought put into these posts. my brain hurt trying to follow it. im a squid and my feet fall off natrually on all parts of the track, thats all i know and all i need to worry about is getting them back on the pegs before i crash.


PR Elite
Scan066, January 26, 2005.jpg

I've never raced SX or anything but the ideal form is of course the seated, elbows down jump. By elevated the elbows abruptly to the so called "attack position", the trajectory of the bike is altered. However rapid repeated raising and lowering of the elbows negates the desired effect of the maneuver and therefore is never advised.


PR Founding Father
Maybe this is why Mcgraths' nac nac was so impressive, he was jumping higher and further with one leg off at one point?? I think were talking about seperate planes of motion here. From the point at which you approach the jump there are only a couple vector forces at work. Once you take off, you are now a projectile and thats whole other ball of wax. I could firgure it out, but its kinda of pointless. Just listen to Chris, he has done stuff like this.


PR Addict
All I know is this thread made my head hurt!!!! But what do I know I passed Physics the 1st time.... I always thought the rider was just taken a break and relaxing in mid-air....LOL