Congressman Town Hall about Motorcycle Lead Law in Medina


PR Founding Father
Got this from the AMA. Hoefully a lot of dirtbike enthusiasts show up and represent us well. I will be out of town.

Representative Jim Renacci is hosting a town hall meeting and wants to hear from you. If you want to help protect youth riding, this is an opportunity you don't want to miss. Your Representative is not currently a cosponsor of H.R. 412, the Kids Just Want to Ride Act, a bill that would exempt kid-sized motorcycles and ATVs from the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) of 2008.

The riding community needs to let their Representatives know that we are concerned about this law, and that we want kid-sized motorcycles and ATVs excluded from the CPSIA. Our youth riders need your help to let our lawmakers know how we feel.

Topic: General
Official: Rep. James Renacci (R-OH 16th)
When: 03/21/2011
Starts: 06:30 PM
Until: 08:00 PM
Where: Medina Hospital
Conference Room, Entrance A
100 East Washington Street
Medina, OH 44256