Calling out... Zman!

Last year this forum was full of adventurous stories from the ZMAN... what gives? I think he walked around last season with permanent wind burn on his cheeks. He could do engine rebuilds with a toothbrush and duct tape in 30-40 minutes... He would do two total bike rebuilds on Thursday night before leaving on Friday for a weekend race. Then give us turn by turn stories of him and his nemesis Lamberth blazing through the trails narrowly escaping defeat. Where is this ZMAN?... Has he packed his cape away and never to be heard from again? Could he be laying on his garage floor pinned beneath a piece of crap YZ? I think not!! Then I ask you... where is the ZMAN? A guy like me who has his bike in pieces and is struggling to get it back together needs your stories so I can live vicariously through you. Fire up ZMAN.. where are you? Will icon rise again? or has he become a "cog in the wheel" for the "Man"??? Stay tuned.......


PR Addict
Slowpoke.....I'm here. Yeah, well the vintage stuff has taken a back seat. I took a new postion at work and now work on weekends. It is much harder to get to any weekend events, which is when most racing, vintage or modern, happens. In addition, my 6 year old son is taking up a lot of time getting him seat time for his upcoming Loretta Lynn regional in June. Add to that, I am trying to go back to Loretta Lynns like last year. That my first time down and I was not prepared for the competion down in TN. I was able to get through qualifiers and the regional on a out of shape, unconditoned body. The national showed me, I need to train, to ride that level.

So, long story short. I am down to my 1985 IT200 (under 200cc cross country national champ bike) and my 1983 YZ125. Both are in great shape and ready to race. I have no motor jobs underway, but do have to finish my 82 YZ490. Most of the guys that I had been riding to the AHRMA stuff have taken time off to go back to modern bikes. So, I am not rebuilding all my friends bikes this year either as no one is running them.

The plan, I will attend the Mid-Ohio Cross Country and will probably hit the AHRMA event in MI and southern Ohio. Now.....get your bike back together as the season is in full swing! You may have to catch the craziness in my stories on the MX forum, Vet Forum...if you get that one, and the Open Practice ( one up there now under Apple Cabin 4-21). Take care.

The one and only Z-man!