Chillitown Practice Tomorrow 5-26-11

Chilli Town MX

PR Addict
We will be holding open practice tomorrow from Noon-8pm. The track should be in great shape. $20 per rider. Come on down and see what all the hype is about! Don't let the rain scare ya...the track sheds water very well. So if it does rain a little it will save us the trouble of watering. We will also be doing more great giveaways to everyone in attendance.

See ya at the track!

Chilli Town MX

PR Addict
We survived the storms last night and the track looks great! It will be fully prepped and ready to go at noon. See y'all in a bit!

Chilli Town MX

PR Addict
Wanna give a big thanks to all the riders that showed up to open practice today. Track was in great shape as usual. We had a big storm roll through around 5:30 or so and put down over a quarter of an inch of rain and we kept on truckin. Most places would have shut down and sent everyone home but we made a few passes with the disc and it was ready to go again. We ran a full practice. Thanks again to those who continue to show their support!

Here is a picture of the track right after the big down pour...track holds up very well against lots of rain.

CTMX P3.jpg