moto 3 the movie vs kickstart 3


PR Addict
Anyone see these movies yet? I watched both of them and i have to say i was not impressed with moto 3. The trailer for the film looked sweet but i thought the movie was kind of boring. The part where the three worcs riders are riding in the woods in the mountains i thought was awsome.

I thought kickstart 3 was pretty sweet. For sure a cooler movie and i found it more interesting overall. the only thing that pissed me off about this movie was about 40 mintues into it, they start rolling credits, then finish it off with stupid helmet cam footage and other garbage.

You can but moto3 for 9 bucks on itunes and rent kickstart for 4 bucks i think it is also. kickstart is worth the rental


PR Addict
I really liked Moto3. It still had racing and big air type stuff but it wasn't the whole thing which IMO was good. I have gotten sick of watching the same thing. It was kind of like On Any Sunday in that it showed a lot of different aspects of the sport. What is more is it really made me want to ride.


PR Addict
I completely agree with streaks, covering the various aspects of riding was WAY more interesting then the typical "crusty demons" crap of just ramp after ramp after ramp. Dont get me wrong I loved the original crusty demons when it was all natural terrain free riding, but in terms of new moto films I've seen Moto 3 has been the best I've seen lately. I may be partial to Moto 3 because of the narrator is the same from "Lifecycles" which is an AMAZING downhill mountain bike film.