

PR Addict
I thought for sure he was going to squeeze in and qualify. Then I thought well he will def win the LCQ, Not sure what happened there. I Hope he does well don't really know him but spoke to him and his mechanic a couple times at local tracks and really seems like a Decent young man.
The thing is you see these Guys like Rife, Kilbarger, and all the other local guys and how crazy fast they are, then see them struggle in the big leagues. Its like man you gotta feel frustrated for them.
You know they have the speed but there is just so much competition and talent. trying to figure out where to get a tenth of a second here or there its got to eat at you. I know it would keep me awake if I were in their boots.
I know M. Willard should have been a top ten Guy in the past but struggled with starts. Then would just run out of time working up through the pack, after gettiing out of the first corner dead last or 2nd from last or something. then end up in 15th or something, that just shows he had the speed. I think Willard is leading the arena cross though this year and that is great. but I hope our Ohio Guys like Rife, Kilbarger, Justice can do well in SX.


PR Addict
Rife did good again this week he qualified awsome I think he was two seconds off of roczen What happened to him in the main I thought I saw him in 11 or 12 ten then at the end was in 15