One way for Reed to make payroll


PR Founding Father
That looks like a Hudak Special! A worked up Honda, that looks to be worth it in my book with all the stuff they have on them.


PR Founding Father
Wow. Not a bad deal when you compare that to the factory edition KTM!

Scotty, I thought the same thing. If the KTM is worth $10,000, CRs bike is worth $15,000 for sure. They are rode hard, but I am sure nothing on those bikes is probably old and looks old. How cool would it be to have and race Reeds bike?

C Hudak

PR Addict
Just a few weeks to late, already got mine. Would have been sweet lining up for a cra harescramble with a $15,000.00 bike.


PR Member
If I had the funds to blow, I'd buy the vegas bike in a heartbeat. All worth the cash compared to what new stock bikes are going for.


PR Founding Father
This is the time I always question working for a living. Because it ain't cuttin' it for cash needs!!!! I gotta rack my brain and start brining in some serious cash-flow...legally....ah well.


PR Founding Father
Georgie......I always thought I had some decent cash flow, but realized I had three kids. Two MX bikes for the son, outgrowing boots and gear everytime you turn around. New bikes for new classes......then there are the girls......$240 a month in cheer gym fees, new uniforms. School field trips, books, fees, it never stops. The guy that gets less! Keep workin hard Georgie.