doomsday preppers?


PR Elite
got any preppers on here? or maybe you dont wanna make that public. idk the rules.
but i watch the show! some of those people are nuts. others, i kinda dig it.
i like doomsday bunkers better. some dude spent half a million on a steel bunker. insane i say.

here it is before its covered up. all $500,000 worth


PR Founding Father
Its time to start stocking up on generators! All the crazys will pay a premium come thanksgiving this year.


PR Addict
450K for that ???? I need to start a new business making that crap !

I'm thinking 3 roll off containers (new or used) a few trips to the furniture store and a couple trips to Lowe's or Home Depot for cabinets, bath, and kitchen, fixtures ect. Rent a track hoe to dig the hole and given about a month. The do it yourselfer could have this done and easily drop off one of those Zero's from that price tag.

I think these people are a little insane, so it's not surprising someone would pay such an insane price for something like this.

Their units probably come with a money back guarantee. "If your unit fails after any Catostrophic or Planetary disaster contact your nearest agent for a refund" LOL!!!