Took the "training wheels" off


PR Member
I have been a 3/4 wheeler rider/racer since I was 16. Last week at Smith Road, I took the " training wheels" ( as bike riders call them) off. I jumped on a KTM200sx and tried my first time at really riding on an MX track. I have rode bikes before but nothing more than zipping around an open feild or down a trail. At 30 years old I feel that i should stick to what I know, but the lack of knowledge/skill when riding a bike has me wanting my own bike now! Maybe someday ill come across a deal and maybe ill pick it up. I will NEVER leave riding quads in the past, but maybe its time to try something new. I think I can get the hang of it the 3 biggest problems I cant seem to figure out are 1. twist throttle, I feel like I have no control over the speed. 2. the weight, Im used to having 350 plus pounds to move around. Riding a bike feels like almost nothing is under me. 3. ruts, In the turns I get how to use them but on the straights I feel I have no control. I just stayed loose and let the bike "dance" under me. Anyways it was a fun time maybe I will be riding with you guys more in the future.


PR Elite
I know a guy that broke his wrist twice. He has lost some movement in his wrist. I race with him at High Fly and he has a thump throttle on it. It is on a crf 450


PR Founding Father
Keep your front end light over ruts. I see alot of guys slow down and dove their front wheel into them. The lighter you keep your front end the easier it is to roll through straights littered with ruts.

But don't cross rut lol.

And meister how do you adapt back ad forth from twist to thumb?

I think as a quad rider your hold on the bars are different. On a bike you need to keep the elbows alot higher and your grip more forward. If that makes sense.

But wide open on the throttle on a bike should be right where your arm is I a relaxed position. Above the plane of the handlebar. Definitely not below or you probably get that whiskey out of control feel....


PR Founding Father
The more I think about it. . . A quad grip is high altogether due to turning right?

I guess riding a twist throttle you grip with your thumb, index and middle finger where on a quad it's your ring finger and pinky right ? Guess you gotta re train yourself on the grip.


PR Founding Father
The more I think about it. . . A quad grip is high altogether due to turning right?

I guess riding a twist throttle you grip with your thumb, index and middle finger where on a quad it's your ring finger and pinky right ? Guess you gotta re train yourself on the grip.

You hold onto that sob (quad) with all your fingers, thumbs, knees and anything else you can to not get thrown off.

The bike just put your nuts on the gas cap and squeeze with yur knees.

In all seriousness, I grip the quad with index and thumbs allot, actually all fingers because its a thumb throttle, and I can get away with it. To go from quad to bike, you just gotta get used to letting go of the throttle, roll it forward. Dont hang on to it too tightly. Squeeze the bike with your legs some, this will allow you to relax your death grip on the bars. Elbows out. Those are things I try to focus on to help myself ride bikes after being on the quad for awhile.


PR Founding Father
Man, I dont know what I do differently.. I feel like on the quad ive got "loose" hands in corners.. Meaning if im slidin a left hand turn, im really holding on with my right hand by using my index and middle finger so I can tilt my hand down to get to the throttle all the way.. Where as on my bikes, im holding on full grip usually with my index finger and sometimes middle finger on the clutch or brake so then im really holding on with my middle (unless on lever), ring, pinky, and thumb The main difference for me is probably only in the corners because of the leaning you have to do on the quad.. I get some knarly calaces (sp) below my middle, ring, pinky, and the outside fat of my palm on my right hand and on my left theyre just bad on my ring and pinky.. Never really get them on my index..

Never really thought about this haha.. I guess it comes down to the fact that on the quad, im all over it, side to side (my ass touches my boot and the nerf bar sometimes haha) and front and back, so the grip has to change compared on the bike where most of the time im directly on top (least compared to the quad) and the bike comes with me where I go.. Quads kick your ass way more for sure on a motocross track.. Did I just say that...


PR Founding Father
Well yea I won't argue that. You got a arms and two more wheels jostling side to side not just up and down on a bike. ...


PR Elite
I raced three and four wheelers for 6 years. I hated thumb throttle. My dad switched them all to twist for me. Just put one or the other throttle on both. I have rode a quad here and there and still hate the thumb throttle. I often wonder how I rode those things cause don't think I could wrestle with one now for 4 laps. I still can't ride ruts so you are already doing better than I still do lol Not sure if you race, but one big problem I have when racing a bike is going into the first turn. I don't like being really close to people and I think that translates back to the quad days. You def. don't want to hit eat other on a quad, but on a bike its not uncommon to be rubbing plastics. Good luck and maybe we will see you at the track.