What the???


PR Addict
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SHdhiQo_rUQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Heck yea. Dude totally cleared the pond, on fire.
Meister you still got your pond jump? I got an idea, I'll bring the matches.
That is quite possibly the funniest thing I have seen for awhile. I guess the world does need idots, I stand corrected.

I wonder if the bike had a lightning bolt on it, he was going fast enough to be on fire and all.
This is actually a NEW story and video. This guy is a total idiot. Not only is he stupid, he is doing stupid things with no health insurance. So guys like this cause the rest of us to pay more for health insurance than we should need to pay.
Ahh hell. Already done that. haha

No George, the pond jump is gone.. The pond is still there, but its shrunk in size and its full of cat tails. We took the take off and landing out quite a while ago because it was actually kinda dangerous. Kids or neighbors who havent been on or shouldnt have been on the track would go to roll up and over the take off and it was straight down on the back side into the pond.. You get the idea.. lol It was 105ft from the top of the take off to the top of the landing. Watched Tim Farr hit that thing on a quad.. Crazy Mike doesnt have anything on that... lol
Well crazy Mike cleared the pond! If it were me I would have taken the time to build a landing. Also remember when you flat land be sure to land on the gas Mike.
Obviously he has no motocross or jumping skills at all! Does not take a rocket scientist to figure out with a big ramp like that, that it is throwing you straight up and out....that guy was on the gas and the pond is not that big.........and on fire at the same time. This guy is a Johnny Knowville wantabee and is looking to cash in, but will probably be dead before he does. Those clips from Dr Phil, and Fox and Friends where he is wearing the "I am too cool for myself" sunglasses on air........kind of guy you wish someone had not brought into the world.....