Quad practice at malvern


PR Member
Quads need to have practice on Wednesday at malvern not Thursday because a lot of the national riders wont show up on Thursday because they leave that day so we need to have practice on Wednesday at malvern


PR Member
I 100% percent agree. As a national rider my self here's my idea, since the dirtbike riders like there own day that's fine when I'm on I bike I like ruts too who doesn't and we all know us quad riders take them away. So I propose this on weeks were there is no race at malvern, in example next week is a off week for Malvern so why don't they have a mixed practice on weds for bikes and quads. Then the following week, which is a race week go ahead and do the bikes only weds and quad only on thurs. Therefore the bike get there own night everyother week. Because let's face it looking at it from a financial aspect you will probly make your best outcome the weds before the race. That's why I think it would be a good idea to do bikes only on weds prior to races and quads on thurs. But the following week do a mixed Wednesday night practice which will a great turn out as well. Then continue the cycle with the race week practice schedule and the off week schedule. I Think this is a great idea not only for bikes but for quads also, its fair for all riders. And Malvern will still maximize profit.


The next quad practice is June 28th 4 to 8pm. Track will be fully prepped. If you can make it out, great. If you have other things going on that's ok too. As far as mixed practices, that is done. We don't mix them for races so why would it make any sence to do so for practice. They each desire a different type of track prep. As for the quad practice schedule I have chosen. There are several factors that have entered into the format and I would be happy to discuss them with anyone in person at the track. Jason