Dirtworld is open today Aug. 4th from 4pm til dark and tomorrow Aug. 5th 9 til 2


PR Addict
Dirtworld Mx will be open today 4pm til dark and sunday 9am til 2pm. We are allowing for campers to camp and ride both days for $35 per rider for the big track and $15 for the small track. if you are only coming for one day or the other its $20 for the big track per rider and $10 for the small track!! we hope to see you there!!

We also do allow camp fires, but we do ask with how dry it is if you are going to have one it needs to be above ground. We are also reminding you there is absolutely NO pit riding!!! Please and thank you!!

Dirtworld Motocross Park also if you are not camping but coming for both days you will get the discount also. please see me (tiffany) so i can give you guys a ticket so i know whos coming back and i can keep track. thank you!

Also a reminder that we are not open every sunday only the first sunday of every month.

Thank you!
(440) 858-9584

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PitRacer Pro
Weather permitting,I am going to try and make it Sunday morning also...I would like to get one more ride in before the Redbud Vet race next weekend!