Time to Stand Up Riders


PR Addict
Great post Tim. Lots of points I havent thought of.

Like it's been said this isn't aimed to end the CRA. Those people who are just getting their feet wet in our sport will still have plenty of options (CRA-AMA-Faircross) to do so, those places arent going away.

But for the RACERS that hold the standards higher than what is being offered at a lot of venues (no one can deny) the O.M.A. MIGHT be what they are looking for, only time will tell.


PR Addict
Thank You Guys for not leaving my hanging on the high-five...thank you for your honesty...

Tim, your a wise man, everyone can benefit from your posts. After reading your post I realized some immaturity and misunderstanding in my post for just being ignorant and/or nieve and young with some but not much experience in life. I am also glad that some recognized me for me, like Ohio Action Photo and Nitrofish. Words that have been going through my mind as to what has taken place and to how all this pans out is "family", "balance", and "passion". I am sorry, I was foolish in tone and thought at times.

I realize also that I am involved with Malvern and OIR. I do know some things by trust over time and recent. The same way if you told me something important as a friend or associate. So, this is why I started a separate thread because this is me being me. I do not hold any official position with OMA or CRA, I am a track worker. These are my views from what I know and what I think know or thought I knew.

With all this unfolding, their has been so many different posts from good to helpful, to encouraging, to belittling, to bashing and to just plain lack of care or concern. I have noticed many becoming open-minded to it with ideas and stances changing towards the possibility and some with reservations also...my own ideas, perspective and stances have changed as well through this.

Also, Tim, in my immaturity and effort you got to what I was pointing about more than who I am pointing at. I am pointing at myself first..always. This is concentrated toward the attitude and actions of the MX Community as a whole (riders, spectators, promoters, sanctioning bodies, owners, etc.) as well as the past, present and future of the MX Community moving forward in Ohio Motocross and Life.

What is happening is nothing new as for the basic idea of the formation of OMA. It has been attempted...but nothing like the approach that is being taken now.

A quote from you...Jarrett, to the 95% of us out here who have no idea what is going on, you seem to be getting a bit little melodramatic. We are being calling to arms against what or whom? What specifically are we standing up for, and to whom are we standing against? Who is this enemy we are fighting here? I know its metaphoric, but I don't see where this has anything to do defending the sport from those by whom it is truly under attack, and I would not characterize the CRA as a tyranny from whom we need to be liberated simply because they are the only game left in town that has survived.

I am calling riders to ride, to take a stand for our sport. That each and every one of us are responsible to do something for the sport if we have been desiring better things in OHMX. We are battling for the sport of riding, whatever fashion and whatever machine. That if we want riding to grow, we all have to take action. The enemy we are fighting is ourselves. Like "i am my own worst enemy". We are here and willing, we need to do something. This particular matter relates directly to motocross with the forming of OMA.

I think you hit nails on the head as to what is truly going on, and thankfully the truth is now known. What I am trying to protect is the heart of riding in our area. It is bitter sweet for me as to malvern and faircross leaving CRA. But, I can't stand around and mope about it, I have to put er in gear ya know? I truly hope, and as best I can affect, that OMA will be a light in the riding community. That it will be an organization to raise up the sport of riding in itself, even though that is not their direct goal, light shines my friends.

As for liberty and our founding fathers and our government and the constitution??? I am referring to the riders who want more, but that can hopefully be satisfied. You have two men starting to pave the way to many possibilities, which I am sure they will pick and choose their steps, but the potential for this is far reaching. The next thing is foundation. While I am truly excited about the potential, and am also in fear of longevity. Jason and Jeremy, you guys need to build a solid foundation. It is much easier to add to a foundation than to take away from it. Stick to the fundamentals out of the gate, promise things you know you can achieve and risk things that can be lost with no real damage for longevity sake early on. I also desire for everyone to be thankful and realize the potential humbly.

I once heard a man talking about thankfulness as the PRIMARY characteristic of any men, or atleast should be. When you are thankful, you can truly think right. Without thankfulness, all other characteristics go out the window.

Also, asking probing but real questions causes people to think...to consider...

Riders, this is bigger than anyone of us, it's all of us.

I hope that the "MX Family Heart" will be deeply ingraved in this new series even though they embark on a new frontier, not a revolution or uprising as previously stated. Its like Louis and Clark exploring the western frontier for the first time, all kinds of unchartered territory. I hope they will give anyone a chance out of the gate but also understand they have a focus, which is great. Vision is nescissary. I want us to understand that past, current and potential status quo, both in riding and life was here way before us. This is just our time. This can really be a good thing for everyone. I work towards the sport, for the sport, for the riders; not for me.