Recovery Update - 4.5 Months Later

I figured it's been over four and a half months since my accident, and I've been giving updates as to how the recovery process is going. I had a doctors appointment yesterday and got some great news. I am FINALLY allowed to put weight on my left foot again (with the walking boot on of course). On the not so great side, I have to get one more surgery. There is a bump on the bottom of my foot in the middle of the arc and it is pretty tender. I brought it up to the doctor and he said after looking at the x-rays, the screws that were put in from the outside of my foot are actually a little bit too long and they are sticking out the bottom of my foot. Just my luck. So I will have one FINAL surgery the beginning of December to remove these screws and do one of two things; remove the screws and plate that they're holding in for good, or remove the screws that are too long and replace them with shorter ones. Either way the doctor said this is a very minor surgery and won't change my weight bearing status at all. Which is a HUGE plus!! With my job I am up on my feet all day, so it looks like I'll be allowed to head back to work in January. Had to throw a funny little video on here. Watch me two step. Lol


PR Elite
I remember the first step without crutches being a big one!

Glad to see you are on your feet again.