curiosity and track owners under 18 rule...


PR Member
just curious, when going to a race/open practice, does anyone actually check IDs? tracks post "must have parent or guardian signature if under 18" but i mean, do they actually check now a days? since the day i turned 16, if no one could go riding with me i just went by myself. ive never had anyone ask for my ID. i was only 17 after i graduated from high school (didn't turn 18 until almost a year later) and i was going somewhere different every weekend. i went to briarcliff every sunday for about 5 months because i loved it so much. wednesdays, thursdays, fridays, & saturdays i went elsewhere like beans, oir, 330, malvern, apple cabin, smith road, etc. you name the track, i was there. i went to about 3-4 different tracks every week for a good 5 straight months. so if tracks are not IDing kids... should they start? what if some kid went off and didn't tell his parents he went riding, and got hurt and they sued the track? (hopefully no idiot would ever do that) would the track be at fault? when someone comes to our track to ride, my dad actually checks their ID and if they're under 18 he won't let them ride unless a parent comes and signs the waiver. i'm just curious if tracks are IDing now or not...


PR Founding Father
Well if you were breaking that rule why bring it up. There are probably more just like you.....

I remember going to Dirtworld one time when I was 17 in my truck. They gave me a real hard time about riding because my dad wasn't with me. I used to hangout with Brian (Mike's son) alot and they still checked and made me get some notarized letters to take with me.

Then again at Dade City in Florida I got busted at practice signup for Gold Cup. Was signing up and said someone else's mother was my mom just because I forgot the notorized letter at the truck and just waited to sign up for 2 hours. Dade City girls in the office didn't like that much and called us out as to why my name was Baker, the womans name was someone else and AJ hattery's name was also different. We were all signing up under the same Momma-bear. (Joy Harbaugh :) ) They gave us quite a bit of grief over it and ultimately tried to not let us sign up and told us to hit the road packing.

They ended up letting us race after I showed them the notariety and they still were angry.

So yeah, tracks do check.....and when they bust you don't get upset if they tell you to go home. Even if you just drove 1300 miles to get to a track...


PR Member
I just wasn't too sure if tracks were checking or not. I wanted to know was all. At the time I didn't think anything of it, all I knew was, I wanted to ride. Looking back, I never should have done it. Towards the end of the season I started taking Vince with me. But I mean, I can't really get busted now.. I am 20. Like I said, I just wasn't sure how strict tracks were starting to get about this.