If JS7 stayed with Kawasaki...


PR Elite
Bubba is fast.....for a lap in practice. Not being on the track and I believe not working as hard in the off season keeps him off the level of RV RD and CR. He is too busy living the lifestyle around Orlando.

You mean the same bubba who went 4-4 in the first moto's of the 12' outdoor season... yeah his stamina is definitely terrible.

and how has it been living with james? the reason i ask, is because unless you do, or have some very very close references to james... which for some reason i doubt... how do you even know what he does in the off season? that, my friend, is called speculation.

personally i think the dude just crashes a lot! he is in shape, have you seen him? he looks more trim than i have seen him in years. he wants it. he hurt his knee.... its motocross, that DOES happen everyone... even to slow riders like me, i blew out my knee once without even wrecking.

hows that saying go? Love me or hate me, its still an obsession.


PR Founding Father
I do have friends in the Orlando area that claim James is out in the Orlando night life quite often. So thats where my lifestyle comments come from . He and his wife also bought a nice new big home in Orlando area so they were close to Orlando. Haines City is a bit out there. My buddy is a realtor and has been to the house actually.

As for Rockets comments, I guess Bubba needed to drink more Milk as a kid, lol.


PR Founding Father
Halffast........My mistake, I said wife. I believe she is just a live in girlfriend, but from what I heard, she runs the house hold in the new home.