Ohio Action Photo teams up with OMA


PR Founding Father
We have partnered up with Jeff Willis at Ohio Action Photo to provide free pics from select OMA racing events. The first couple rounds can be found here: www.omxa.net/photos . Jeff cant photograph everyone, but he will be at most of the premiere series events for OMA, and he will photo people at random, so dont get pissy. Please look him up for package deals, he has really stepped up and helped us out a bunch, patronize Jeff, he is a good dude. Contact him at jeff@willisarts.com to setup your own private photo package at BC this weekend! Until then check out his shots and download the ones you want on the OMA site.


PR Elite
Jeff is the man, great guy and a fantastic photographer! Check out some of the awesome images in other types of pictures on his web site sometime!


PR Addict
Thanks guys, I'll have a lot more promotional material and more of a booth at OMA series events and other select events like Vet Fest. I'm still pulling that stuff together, but yeah let me know if you'd like coverage via a pm on here or through my website... ohioactionphoto.com. I look forward to making some great photos for people this year. See you at the races.


PR Addict
I don't have a crystal ball, consult psychic friends, flip tarot cards, or follow astrology. Yet I have these haunting premonitions of a stellar moto season circulating in my brain waves. Could be the simple fact that I'm logical, realistic, and I see good people getting together to make good things happen....


PR Elite
Or it could be the mold growing on the dead rats in your attic causing toxic microbs to give you haunting premonitions. Either way I agree with you!


PR Member
This is awesome!! Congrats Jeff! If you ever need any help with your booth or anything else let Brett or myself know! I know we're from a different film & photo company but either way It's all good and it's all for the same MX family! Anything to help.. Name it and we can help ya with it if we're around!!! Big Ups to the OMA and Ohio Action Photo!


PR Founding Father


PR Founding Father
Sweet. I need some new pics. It's been awhile since I've had a racing picture or any picture for that matter taken of me MX wise. Well, other than an X-ray or two... ;) See you at BC and a few other events! I am so looking forward to this season....


PR Addict
Thinking about busting a nac nac in practice. Hopefully Willis is there to catch that action!!

You just let me know when Broc, and you better sharpen your footpeg or that's gonna turn into a no-footed nac, aka cat-nac.

Those custom trophy things are awesome Jeremy!


PR Addict
I remember you losing the other foot off the peg on a Nac Nac Willis. Made it back to the seat for the landing, but not back on the pegs. Believe we coined that one a Rack Nac.