Beans open practice 6/9


PR Founding Father
Sunday 11am till 5pm bikes only. Would open Saturday for quads and bikes , but crows running practice and I ain't running against buddy Brock. Track will in killer shape Sunday jumps all redozed,will be ripped and watered


PR Founding Father
Got a pile of rain last night should make for a great Sunday. Will be on that dozer all day saturday, track will be dope!!!


PR Founding Father
Awsome good too here. My prediction for Sunday" I like big ruts and I can't dinie " can't rember any more words from that song. It going to be killer!!!! Bring your skills to the hills!!!


PR Founding Father
Just got off the dozed jumps in great shape, the horse shoe at the bottom of monster mt redozed and will be part of the track tommorrow, it's going to be a good one!!!!