**COCR** 2 Day Open Practice

**COCR** 2 day practice session this weekend June 15,16 , Come and get your ride on, Do the MX track and also the Mini/warmup MX course, do the harescramble course that was just raced if you want to without being raced on it,then do more Motocross, CAMPING is encouraged, Monsterous bonfire planned, Music, Games, More things to come and even invented while there .
Track will be prepped, and prepped & prepped and then ask the riders if they want more.
As COCR standard yes we will be doing sessions of small bikes & big bikes seperate for safety.
Remember , 15th 16th , 20$ a day ride as long as you want, this is a good time to come out & meet & greet with members and riders from all around.
COCR is located in Sugargrove Ohio, 25 minutes south of Columbus, 4 Miles south of Lancaster, for more information & Directions please email COCR@wideopenwest.com