SwitchBack Gobbler GP (photos) 11/3/13


PR Addict








PR Member
Thanks Rich for the pixs. Sundays track was so nice - dirt was great. We spent 4 hours early Sunday with 3 dozers and a skid steer flipping the dirt and making it good as it rained Saturday and Saturday night. Def. a good time. Getting tons of emails for another GP this month. Thinking the "Gobbler Resurrected" on the 17 and as of now the weather looks good but we all know how that could change. Stay tuned for more info. Great pixs and super fun event.
The A class was stacked with Hepler taking the win ( Amazing how smooth and effortless FAST) Broc looked like a deer in the woods just floating followed by Lojak and then Martin. Durham was running good and lost his brakes - Jonathan Wells stalled at the start for some reason but boy was he hauling the mail once back up and running. Great racing all day long from the minis to Ralph Bentley waxing the Vet B and Plus 40 class. Good times for sure.


PR Founding Father
Look how nicely Hepler is on the balls of his feet.
Bentley is still blazing fast ...

Thanks for the pics Rich!


PR Member
Look how nicely Hepler is on the balls of his feet.
Bentley is still blazing fast ...

Thanks for the pics Rich!

Ya, Broc is still in a league of his own. We use to trail ride all winter together and he can go just as fast in the woods (real tight single track) just as he does on a track. His dad Dean can still ride good, fast and smooth. Good moto family for sure.
And to think Ralph Bentley took 10 plus years off of riding. He pounded out laps all last winter in the indoor to get ready for this past season. You could see each week his speed increase.


PR Addict
I have never seen this on MxFreakspix. SwitchBack Gobbler GP has 250,000 photo hits in about two days, the way it looks they will make over 300,000. by Wednesday A.M.
I was on the hill taking pictures, and it sound like thunder all day, with all the bikes on the track.
Rich; if the weather is nice and you run the 17th. That will be very interesting.
