Happy Thanksgiving from Moto 60


PR Member
Happy Thanksgiving
We will be open the day after Thanksgiving.
Friday from 11:00 to dark.Bikes and Quads<P><div class=after_content><blockquote class="signature restore"><div class=signaturecontainer>Check us out on facebook, https://www.facebook.com/Moto60SportsPark . Feel free to like the page and share to others that would be interested in checking us out.

This is the latest helmet cam video that we have! Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMy3yYfEBDU

If you have and questions please call Blake at (440) 787-3643, or Tom at (440) 986-1415. Email us at moto60sp@gmail.com

6216 State Route 60
Wakeman, OH