What our Riders think about Holeshot KTM


PR Addict
Kind of nice for us to see what our Riders think about us.

We thought we would share their views with you all as Holeshot KTM is new to PitRacer Riders


ps : the KTM 'Selfies' we have asked the Riders for has been a huge success. Within the first 5 minutes I had over 20 guys send me their KTM 'selfie'. Thank you to all the Riders for their kinds words about us.
I can't wait to share all of these 'selfie' photos with everyone.
If you too have a 'selfie to send we would like to see them.


PR Member
Not Very Much!

this was an obnoxious post, since i feel stupid, and sorry, and... whatever else a dunce can feel, i'm taking it down. Just imagine what I might of said. Candy loves her KTM's, can't say anything bad about that. We dirt riders, and motorcycle enthusiasts are... well we're a family. Like it or not. So ride, ride hard and don't forget to roost your buddy every chance you get.

"hit the gas!"


PR Elite
Staff member
Someone has to breed life into these trail riders:) Thanks for the feedback Tim. They do advertise on here and their ride days are much appreciated. I love riding a bike with 1 hour on it. I'm sure the last thing they want to do is upset you guys. I'll talk to them about it.


PR Addict
Dear IMRiz ,

I am offering my most sincere heart felt apology for
my unbridled enthusiasm with regard to my posts on KTM here on Pit Racer.
This is what I do with my life. I live and breathe KTM. I am a KTM Dealer
I have tried to make some fun posts, some informative posts and some useful posts.
I have seriously tried to be a good forum contributor.
I do advertise on Pit Racer.
I think sometimes I need to rein in my excitement with regard to KTM
My hope is you will forgive me. I will heed your words
and be a better contributor on this site.


PR Member
Thank you

Thank you for your reply, I apologize myself for being so heavy handed. My only suggestion would be to put all of your posts under just one thread regarding Holeshot activities and stuff. I do appreciate your love for your craft, machines and business. That's awesome and I'm sure all the ktm riders are happy you are there for them. Don't let my sour puss slow you down, stay on the gas! Besides, who am I anyway?

Your fine, and good luck with your dealership. Really, and I'm sorry for being such a jerk.


PR Member
REply to Day 81

Day81 you are right, some one needs to breathe life into these trail riders. When I asked to start this forum I was warned that in the past, a trail rider/dual sport page didn't work. Then I began posting schedules, photos, reports, and no one ever commented. Except my buddy who I begged him too. Why don't enduro riders and duals sporters comment on these pages? I run into guys at events that say they read it on pit racer so that gives me hope, but honestly I lost interest cause it feels empty. I'm sitting here mullin' over the list of 26 organized events events this year, beginning with the Art Mitchell Enduro in March and ending with the killer Treaty City Peace Pipe Enduro. I'll post the list. Thank you for your comment.

Double D

PR Founding Father
Riz it amazes me how many folks come and say hi cuz they know me from the board and never post.
Lot of readers. Lot of traffic