What is the scariest moment you've had during a race?


PR Addict
One time I was pinned in 4th on a whoop section and a bear run out on the track. No wait that didn't happen. I remember now. I was skying this up hill double and life flight was coming in and the chopper skid hooked my neck brace. No, crap that didn't happen either. It had to be the time I went into the port-a-john and someone pooped on the seat, it was bigger than a baseball bat! Now that was the scariest experience I've had at the races.


PR Addict
A couple years ago when my engine quit in mid flight going over a double at Chillitown. Nothing but the wind as I sailed through the air. I wasn't scared as much as I kept thinking, " Oh s**t, just tuck and roll!" as I went over the bars.
mom/wife....15 years of watching my hubs and 3 years of my son...ONLY time i have ever been scared watching my hubs was when he botched the triple at chillitown and son crashed on the double going in to the back section at chillitown (broke leatt in 3 places). BUT chillitown is still my fave :)