Goodbye, Farewell, and Thank You


PR Founding Father
Goodbye, Farewell, and Thank You!

It is hard to believe that about 15 years ago I had an idea for a website, registered the domain name, and it is still here after all of these years with more traffic than ever. I started this website and was not even eligible to race the Vet classes at all and now I'm here creeping toward the +45 class.

There are a few that have been here since the beginning and I'm sure they can remember all the different changes that have happened and the myriad of users and personalities that have come and gone. I will forever have so many memories from over the years and can still picture in my head some of the funny nonsense that has gone on.

This website has gone through phases from a hand-coded Fantasy League system, to a full blown Ecommerce site selling photos, products, memberships. I'm proud of what I've done here and I hope I've helped out Ohio Motocross in my own little way.

As of today I am no longer the owner of this site and would like to say goodbye and thank you. To list all the people, tracks, and businesses that have helped and supported me and this website over the years would take forever, but you all know who you are. And to all of you - THANK YOU SO MUCH! I have met so many great people and have made so many good friends.

You will still find me around riding and racing. I'm excited to close this chapter and move on and I'm also excited that some new blood is involved and will bring fresh ideas and energy to I'll admit I've struggled the last few years to keep this going - I'm just plain worn out.

One of the things we discussed in the transfer was that I don't think I will ever be able to shake the nickname "Pit" and that is ok. I'm sure there are people out there that see me and call me that and don't even remember my real name.

As of today I'm going to start fading away from here, at least on this account name. I'm sure I'll be back at some point with a new name and just cause trouble but for now I'm going to lay back and relax a little. So I guess my pot-stirring points will have to stand where they are and I hope I can still win the 2013 title, haha.

To everyone reading this -- my life will never be the same and thank you again for all the memories. Please support the new ownership and keep enjoying the website!

John Kreps


PR Addict
I know your real name and yeah- Pitracer the website and the person, has made a difference for a bunch of us. Thanks man!