Our Freedom, Our Choice, Our Passion


PR Addict
Hello Riding Folks,

Hope you are all getting rested up in the off-season for Motocross in 2014 and maybe spinning some laps indoors! I love winter because the air is fresh and crisp, the snow is beautiul, the general attitude of folks is more pleaseant with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year, but I hate being cold.

I feel compelled to let you know exactly where I stand or who I am, to a point of responsibility to you folks which stems from my/our passion towards riding to the position(s) I am in within our MX Community and Industry cooperately, hinging ultimately upon who God (Jesus Christ) is, my faith in Him, who I am and who you are; our past, present, and future. Before the cooperate level is the established MX Family. So, the intent of this particular entry is purely personal in relation to us as a family so to speak. I intend to post regular journal or blog entries from here on out; which I have failed to keep my word when this position of "PitRacer Author" was first announced (More on that later.) This is a tremendous honor and one that "When much is given, much is required!" So please forgive me in not posting in these past few months. My promise is to shoot straight with you, to be honest with you, to be sincere, and to be accountable!

A preacher once spoke about our American constitutional right to freedom and the willingness to die for that freedom. He spoke about a women who did not like what he believed. He responded with (in a general sense) "We are blessed to live in America with freedom of speech, religion, and pursuit of happiness. Many men and women who lost their lives in war have died to defend this very freedom you and I enjoy today. I would go to war if called to defend someone else's beliefs that I don't support because it is the great honor and responsibility of our nation to enjoy and uphold freedom based upon our constitution set in "stone" as the foundation of the United States of America. I am a patriot and countrymen; Will you go to war for me if you were called?"

My answer is "Yes!" If I was called into war, I would most certainly go, defending your life, freedom and mine as well; without hesitation and purpose in my heart, not fearing the adversary.

Listening to the preaching at my local church has been the largest influence in my life besides my personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Lord God Almighty, and believing what the Bible actually is and says, followed by the people I love and know, including you! I respect that this a public forum and will not push my personal belief on anyone or saturate these forums with my belief; but at the same token, this is who I am; a Bible believer and Bible doer, an MX family member. I will tell the truth from my perspective as I would hope you would do to me. I pray about and for many things, including you, daily. I read and study the Bible daily. My life is surrendered to God. I trust Him to lead my life. I believe faith in Jesus Christ Himself is the only sure way for eternal salvation. I know whom I have believed in and am fully persuaded that He is able to and will keep that which He has committed to me and you. He loves me, I love HIm, He loves you! I am sinful, flawed, and a basket case at times! I have a past, present, and future just as you; bad and good! His love and conviction give me the only real hope we have and the only real direction we need. I fully intend to live out what I believe which is in accordance to the Bible by my conversation or the way I live. So folks, this is who I am. If you don't like me, don't want to talk with me, don't want to listen to me, don't want to be my friend, or anything else...that is "A" ok! I love you and would die for you on the battlefield; Christ did!

So this man said he was going to post regular journal entries on PitRacer! Why am I not seeing them?

I am the problem on that one, my heart has been in knots. You see, my name is Jarrett Strouble, I am a flawed man, a ginger, a red-headed step-child four times over, and I am problematic. I have the tendency to put the cart in font of the horse, to speak out of line, to make descisions based on emotional impulse rather than weighing out the facts and truth or without seeking good counsel, to say and think things I shouldn't, to let people down, to get side-tracked from what I actually should be doing, to get impatient or frustrated or angry, to disregard God. I have the tendency to be wrong. Good thing we can choose to do right all the time. There is never not a time to do the right thing.

My family is very divided. This started when I was a baby with my parents divorce, then they got remarried and divorced again and then got remarried again. That was very confusing and so heart breaking. All the while, a dirt bike came into the picture. The first time I seen "The Dirt Bike Kid" I thought that was me...dirt bikes (quads) help make life good for us that are passionate towards these things. I grew up next to Malvern Racing and started working in my teens as a flagmen unto our present day and what you see. At 20 years old, God changed my heart and life when I received His salvation, A.K.A. - The Gospel of Jesus Christ! Fast forward to present day, I love Motocross and all of you involved, it is great. BUT I have a desire to preach the Bible which does require training and equipping! I am single, but how can I work a regular job and the races, and get trained, and meet the needs of the people in my life?...easy, right? No, but simple! Just do it by exhaustive work and faith. At the end of the previous two motocross seasons not including 2013, I went through this stage of wanting to quit motocross to pursue training but would go back to motocross because of you folks. I was confused about what I thought was the right thing to do, what people wanted me to do or not to do, and what is even going on in this corrupt world. I even told some people I quit to build accountabillity and convince myself of the right path while I was waiting/intending to address other people personally before publicy on here; that was the cause for the delay. All to the point that I was finished with Motocross after 2013.

I have been praying about being finished! Then insued restless nights, talking with people I trust intimately, confusion, and just bummed out about making this decision, but knew I needed to because this world is in far more need of true preachers than me being involved in motocross. I gave it all over to God, I told Him the decision is made in my head to quit but it is not made in my heart...you need to make that decision for me. I started adjusting plans for a different direction in life. After the last race and a long, exhausting season I was more than ready to sit in church and be preached to. I love being preached to. I trusted God to work things out. The very first day back at church, a conviction of "Don't Quit" became clear, then the next weekend a conviction of being "Faithful" became clear, then the next weekend a conviction to "Stay" became clear, and last weekend the conviction of "Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk" became clear. That was the preaching side of things. Then one night I was dreaming of a man that had a big influence on me in my early days of motocross and I woke straight up and wide awake with "Don't Quit" blaring loudly in my mind, I might have even yelled it. Dreams account for something and are in the Bible but shouldn't be the deciding manner in any decision making process. I began to get really uncomfortable and troubled with "what should I do?' This is just a capsule of the entire course of my life; past, present and future which was taken into consideration as well as the many years of counsel and conviction on this matter. I was pleading with God to give me clear direction that I could have peace in my heart.

The kicker...God's word is final authority in my life...period! I was searching scripture for answers to calm my heart and obey God just days before I was to meet up with a boss after one cancelled meeting. Then bam, I decided to commit to reading the Bible through cover to cover for the first time in my life; it is a big book and all the words pertain to life and Godliness. The first book is Genesis which explains our beginning. I have read this book before pretty much in it's entirety and my local church even preached through it, but the words never spoke like this to me as they did on this particular day. In chapter 22, this man Abraham trusts God and fears Him. God calls Abraham to sacrifice His only son by faith. Just moments before Abraham completed the act of faith, God stopped Abraham and basically said "Now I know that you fear me and not withheld your only son from me!" It was like a lightning bolt in my chest of conviction. The point is that God desires for us to love, fear, and obey Him more than anything or anyone else in this life we have, that is so short. I gave up motocross to God sincerely and He gave it right back after truly knowing I was willing to follow Him no matter the cost or no matter the direction He wants for me. I am more confident than ever of my hope and purpose in life!

Folks, I hope you receive this in sincerity as I sincerely care about all of you and hope you care about me too; that's what family is, a strong family is honest and cares for one another and shows love to one another by action. Our personal choices matter and we are blessed to live in a country that is established on freedom and justice. These things are not easy for me to say, but needed! This is the manner of man that I am, and I am maturing into this type of man as these present days unfold. I accept you just as you are and hope you accept me. I perceive myself as common folk just like you and always will. I am thankful to able to share with you the reality of my life. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I look forward to seeing you all in 2014 at all of the OMA MX Races. My purpose is us, the MX Family, Motocross Done Right, and Truth MX Bible Services! It is good to live with passion...a burning passion! I will not stop being honest no matter what it may cost me!

The next journal entry will be about Motocross in 2013 and then Motocross in 2014. Merry Christmas! See you at the track! Brap!