Smith Road 4-dark, bikes only


PR Addict
I live about 30 mins north of Smith and we didn't get much rain last night... but there's a storm headed this way

They just posted this on FB about an hour ago:

It's a beautiful day here at Smith Road, the sun is shining and we look forward to seeing all the bikes at 4:00


PR Addict
FB is easier for me because its so smartphone friendly & alerts me when I have a question on the thread immediately, I always sign up for email alerts on here but have not gotten any yet, but yes it is 2:10 pm and the track is looking great.


PR Addict
Hershey, you can also get track updates via twitter ; ). In all seriousness we love and appreciate pitracer, I'm just usually on the run most of the day practice days and working off my iphone which for some reason always logs me out of ...blame apple ; )


PR Addict
i'm coming unless this hits before i get home lol


doesnt look like it will last long but it's gonna be fierce


PR Elite
Pic on FB !!! Lol....

Seriously though I hope the weather missed you guys. Still getting seriously hammered down here!

Have Chuck check out your problems Im sure he can set you up better for practice updates