It Matters! CTMX Battle for Ohio Rd.1 Race Report - Part 1


PR Addict

It Matters!
Chillitown MX - Battle for Ohio Rd.1 Report - Part 1

Chapter 1

It doesn't matter what it is, it matters. It all matters. But what matters most?

If you were in attendance last weekend at CTMX; the common word to describe the event is "WOW!" CTMX no doubt leads the way in Ohio MX. That doesn't mean others don't do good, but CTMX has set the standard bar none in Ohio MX.

Side-step with me for a moment...Life Is Tough! Ain't no two-ways about it. As we spend time with each other in life genuinely concerned or thoughtful for one another; we begin to see what really matters. It was about 9pm Sunday after all the hustle and bustle of the weekend; I was soon to be on the road for the 3-hour trek home that many of us had to make or more. The promoter and his wife recently had their 4th child...Baby Cruz. He is about 7-8 months old I think.

The mother was holding Cruz and he was fussy...tired, hungry, and ready for a bath; just like me after the long weekend. I don't hold babies often, not that I wouldn't, it's just the opportunity doesn't present itself that often. I offered to hold him for awhile (I needed a buddy)...and by some miracle as soon as I picked him up, he stopped crying. I really don't understand, becuase If I was him and had to look at a giant, sun-burnt, Ronald Mcdonald with some acne, crooked teeth and big unmatched ears; I would have started running even though I couldn't walk yet, but he didn't. Hope you got a laugh out of that one.

Baby Cruz and I walked around for a bit. He was calm, looking around, and reaching out towards what he could see in front him. He seemed to want to just be on the move. My bike wasn't loaded yet; so I took him over and sat him on the seat. He looked around a bit and then reached for the handlebars. He is familiar with bikes as all his brothers ride. Once he was comfy, I started to bounce him just a tad and make dirtbike sounds.

As I was watching and holding him; he looked at me twice in the eyes as I gave him two big smiles with the addition of my own adult baby noises and faces...Baby Cruz smiled back twice and giggled a little; he was enjoying life.

Baby Cruz is untainted from the world, has not yet felt the sorrows of this world and his own personal decisions that he will one day make.

It was the most awe-inspiring moment I have had in a while. It was like in an instant all the struggles of the weekend and life came into crystal clear focus after being in a personal fog over the recent months.

Loving each other is what truly matters; no matter how wrong someone has been to you or how wrong we have been to someone. It's unconditional love towards each other that truly matters. Unconditional love requires courage and understanding.

In that moment, if someone would have tried to hurt that child...I would have given my life for him with out batting an eye.

A child is so precious and demands our best behavior. I would imagine being a parent would be the most challenging and most rewarding of things in life. The accountability that comes with being a parent is certainly humbling...but I am not a parent, yet I still felt that type of accountability to do right and be good in this world for his sake. This moment also made me realize that everything we do and say matters to each other no matter how small an act may seem.

My own short-comings came to the fore-front of my mind and heart in this moment with deep conviction also, but Baby Cruz taught me to smile again with his unconditional love towards me even though he realized none of's not like he would remember this moment twenty years from now or was conscientiously behaving in a loving, honest manner.

The Drive Home

I was beat from the long weekend as all of us were that was in attendance. I was more than ready for a hot shower and to say hello to my pillow. I decided to take a lesson from Baby Cruz...enjoy the moment and live in the moment when that is the right thing to do. Normally I would be thinking/stressing about the weekend on the ride home and thinking about how tired I am gonna be the next day for work. Second guessing what we did on the operation side of things. Attempting to muster the strength to rise up early and get at it even though my body is gonna say "No!"

Instead of the normal ride, this time I decided to let go of the things to work on or the scoffers that don't make much sense; but to REJOICE in the entirety of the whole weekend and life right now. It was also a time to peer back into my past, while giving thanks to God for how far He has brought me and what He has brought me through. I was also reminded of how good we have it here on our soil even though their is so much sorrow in the world. The night ended with a soft pillow, a smile, and a deep conviction of appreciation, responsibility, and accountability as a man in this world to the others around me, to myself, and ultimately to God Alimghty. I nestled to sweet rest in the comforting thoughts of the people I love and those who love me.

I took this side-step before getting into the nuts and bolts of the weekend in hopes that you can glean some of the same wisdom I did from Baby Cruz. God is good, but expects us to tow the line. We will fall short...but we gotta keep pressing forward and even lift each other up when we are down..forgetting those things in the past and reaching for those things in front of us just like Baby Cruz.

Now I can look clearly back over the weekend with the right attitude. I promised to shoot straight with you folks, and I am going to. I also have full permission from CTMX to be honest on every aspect of the event; peering into the past and present in order to take the right actions in the future.

Chapter 2...coming soon