Youth classes in our area


PR Addict
I have been looking for a topic to bump start the youth area, and for sure, I have found one... The class structure of the youth classes in and around our region is nuts. Every association has a different line up and some of the ages are even mixed up.
Now, if you have read my stuff in the past you know I tend to lean towards less classes and more track time. So this should be no surprise... I think we need less classes and more track time... duh
Just counting from the 50's through Supermini (I refuse to even recognize the whole 2 schoolboy class crap) there is anywhere from seven to eleven classes. WHY?
The youth end of the sport holds a lot of leverage at races and with promoters because they have some of the highest attended classes (on average). Plus 100% have more then just the rider coming through the gate, so that means more money. Yet few events are focused on the youth program.... But I digress.
The additional classes have gotten completely out of hand and it seems each year more are added. I recall going to a race and hearing that an "80 Extra" class had been created. My first thought was "what the heck is extra?" then the second thought was, why? Now we have Extra this, and Beginner that, and open and injector and Mini Jr 9 to 11, Mini jr. 7-13... really?
I will say it again, but I just don't understand the reasoning behind people wanting to run multiple classes. The argument is "I want more seat time, so I ride more then one class". That just feeds the problem. If more classes are added then less laps are given. The rider gets the same amount of seat time but Mom and Dad get to pay for 2 or more classes.
So what do you think is the correct lineup? Keeping in mind that these riders are the future of the sport.
I would go:
50 Jr
50 Sr
65 Jr
65 Sr
Mini Jr
Mini Sr.
and that is IT. The only group here that are prevented from being able to run two classes are the 4 to 6 50 Jr class. No you cant ride two classes o the same bike but you can still ride two if you have a second bike.

Now I know some are going to say "I paid $5000 for this darn 85, I want my boy to ride it as much as possible" Trust me, I get that. But remember, if we have less classes then the hope is more laps will be added so little Johnny get just as much seat time as he did in the past.

We also have to remember that this is a business for our promoters. They make money on the extra classes. Cutting the classes cuts the profit and track close. I get that also. But I for one would pay more per entry (from $25 to $35)
So what do you think?

Mandy Boorom

PR Member
I agree for the most part. I do believe there needs to be a 50cc shaft class. I don't like the thought of 3-5 year old kids on PWs having to race 6-7 yr olds on KTM/Cobras. With the riders getting younger and younger each year, I think its best to keep the tiny ones by themselves. As far as the "extra" classes I totally agree, makes for a long day sometimes.


PR Addict
Welcome to the board Mandy. Glad you made your first post.
Im with you on the pw's. Only problem is there are so few it is hard to justify the class. A lot of guys that have raced for decades got their start on pw's. I sure hope the numbers come back.


PR Elite
If you ever see a LL qualifier the PW classes are packed. I just asked Mandy the other day where they all practice. I need to get the boy practicing with other kids his age/speed to build his confidence before I let him race more

I agree that the younger PW kids need their own class, the beginner PW class I let the boy race last year at WRMC was stupid. @ kids with tricked out PW's looked like they were 8 years old and smoked everyone. So I guess it doesnt matter really.


PR Addict
A lot of the PW riders at the qualifiers are the 50 They never race the pw until they go to a qualifier and regional.
I have heard SEVERAL parents say "go to LL on a PW, its easy". So don't be surprised when you see little Johnny Superstar dominating the 50 Jr class at the local track, then hop on his PW for a chance at Loretta's.


PR Elite
So my question is where do the PW riders practice at ? Not the sandbaggers but the real PW kids?

Double D

PR Founding Father
So my question is where do the PW riders practice at ? Not the sandbaggers but the real PW kids?
Apple cabin, my house, your house, Lets start a rotation, I am going to have a class here in the near future and get a few kids to come out and learn.

Mandy Boorom

PR Member
I totally agree that the Lorettas PW class is a joke! 90% of those kids are on "cheater" bikes and are 7 yrs old. If you are that big and fast you should probably be on a RACE bike. I feel like the PW is more of a beginner bike anyways to get your feet wet in racing at the local level, once you have done so why would you want to stay on a slow bike with no suspension?


PR Addict
Jr/sr 65 and 85 are usually one gate. There is nothing wrong with 65 and 85 open. Imo. There should be two motos to sign your kids up for if they want. I disagree with extra bike classes. The bottom line is whatever makes the promoter money is what's going to happen. And I would like nothing more than to see these oma/cra tracks do well. Because without them. Where do we ride.


PR Founding Father
I say keep the pw class at both locals and nationals, but you can't run any other class but pw to qualify for a pw spot at lorrettas. If you've race 50 Jr on a ktm or cobra, your out.
50 pw
50 Jr
50 Sr
65 (no Jr or sr, one class, 7-11)
85 Jr
85 sr
schoolboy 12-15.

Drop super mini. Drop schoolboy 2.....make schoolboy a 100-150 class. You ride a 250f then ride c or b.

john lilly

PR Addict
I say keep the pw class at both locals and nationals, but you can't run any other class but pw to qualify for a pw spot at lorrettas. If you've race 50 Jr on a ktm or cobra, your out.
50 pw
50 Jr
50 Sr
65 (no Jr or sr, one class, 7-11)
85 Jr
85 sr
schoolboy 12-15.

Drop super mini. Drop schoolboy 2.....make schoolboy a 100-150 class. You ride a 250f then ride c or b.
John, I don't know what school boy 2 is but why would you want to drop supermini? I feel it is a great class and a nice stepping stone before they go to the full size bikes. Jonathan is just now tall enough for a full size bike but is quite awkward on them so far but will adjust to it, I'm sure. Also, for my son it gives him the additional hp he needs because he is a heavy kid. So, for us it has been a great class and gives him the power he needs to compete where in the 85 class he is just to heavy for that engine. Just my thoughts.


PR Founding Father
Back in my day......there was 50cc, 60cc, Jr. Mini, Sr. Mini, Super Mini, Schoolboy, Collegeboy. And oh how the gates were filled. Collegeboy was my favorite! Had all the C riders, B riders and A riders. And man was that a fun class to race! 30 riders on the gate or more at every D12 series race.....oh the days.

You can't drop supermini. It's the perfect class for growth spurting 12-15 year olds. IT gives them opportunity to ride a more powerful bike slightly larger than the 85. And it is a more effective bridge to big bikes in my opinion.


PR Founding Father
Back when I was young the schoolboy class was super mini basically. We have just added and added classes. You don't need super mini, schoolboy 1 and schoolboy 2. I may be wrong but if your riding a big wheel 100 or 85 I think your legal in all three of those classes.


PR Addict
I would like to see the Xr/CRF 50s be allowed in with the beginner class. It's hard to suggest a PW 50 to a newbie parent, especially when you do not know their intentions nor do they. Then, boom! Kid wants to try a race, sorry shoulda bought a Pdub!


PR Addict
I always thought 11 was to old for a 65.
My wish list:
50 Jr 4-5
50 sr 6-7
65 Jr 7-8
65 sr 9-10
85 Jr 9-12
85 sr 13-15
Schoolboy (150 max) 12-15
Any 250 min age 16