Patellar tendon rupture


PR Addict
Sorry if this is non moto , anyone on here ever completely rupture patellar tendon ? Waiting to go to ortho after tearing mine hiking / jogging Monday night . What was rehab like , recovery time , strength after rehab ? Thanks for any feedback !!! ( knee cap is a little out of place lol ! )
I tore a Thumb size hole in mine a few years ago while in the military. I was in a full leg mobilizer for a month. Started PT about 2 weeks after surgery. Recovery kind of sucks. Lost most of my quad strength in that month. Almost had to relearn to walk (not really but there is a lot of numbness that will come with it.) Still have some on the lower front side of Kneecap. Was pretty much back to running at 90% in about 6-9 months. Still have some pain but deal able. However the better shape you are in the better recovery will be. Just remember take the pain meds the first night even though you might not think you need them.................


PR Member
ok, this is a tough one, i severed my quad tendon racing a couple of years ago, yes the snapping sounded like a rock hitting my knee guard. just as stated above, you will have to be in a brace for a while after surgery, and will have to deal with gaining your range of motion back as well as the atrophy in your leg muscles. you will be able to get around, it was my left leg and i drove my moto van because your leg will be relatively straight in the brace and the leg room in the van worked well. stick with the therapy and dont get discouraged. i think the patellar is less serious. good luck. it ended my middle aged man running sports that required changes of direction, but my golf game has never been better and i do still moto.


PR Member
When I broke my leg last november they had to cut through mine to get the rod in my tibia. It still bothers me and that was a clean cut. Not so much riding, more when squatting or doing leg extentions. I can't imagine that felt very good actually tearing it completely.

Heal up quick and take your time! PT and some good anti infamitories.


PR Addict
I think one of the best things my orthopedic surgeon did when tore my mcl and acl a couple of years ago was get me into physical therapy almost immediately.

I don't know what the prehab would be for your patellar tendon but they had me on a bike, stretching, and strength training even before I had a MRI.


PR Addict
One big issue during rehab is tendonitis.

Try to get a recommendation on physical therapists. Don't let your doc tell you you can't choose.
Then don't do anything that your PT says not to do. Do everything that they say to do.

If you're in Lake county, ask me for a recommendation.


PR Founding Father
Brian cant think of his last name. You can call the office and they'll give it to you. 440 428 1111 at 2999 mcmackin road Madison Ohio he is awesome. Worked on my shoulder for two months three times a week after my surgery and subsequent encapsulation. Stiff. Couldn't move. Loosened it right up. Gave me handouts and exercises to do at home too. He does knees as well.


PR Member
I tore mine Memorial Day 2013 at Briarcliff along with the ACL. Knee cap was up in my thigh. Had surgery 2 days later. It's important to get it fixed and fixed right because with out it you don't walk. It's crazy how important that tendon is until you hear how much you need it. I've had a lot of surgeries because of Moto, but this one took the cake on pain, pain management and rehab. It was insane how bad it hurt after the surgery. And rehab was really difficult because I was in a straight brace for six weeks after surgery. Getting that thing to bend was very very painful. Extension during rehab is really important so you don't walk with a massive limp in life. Almost 3 years later and it's good to go, it took over a year to be kinda good again. The hard part other than rehab was how small my quad muscle had gotten after the surgery. It took s while to build it back up. This type of injury cannot be pushed hard during rehab. Small steps are really huge gains. If you stretch it to quick to soon the knee cap may not ride in the correct position. Give it time and you should be good. These surgeries are rare compared to the typical ACL rebuild so hopefully your surgeon is dialed. I recommend getting a stationary cycle for home rehab also.


PR Member
How did your surgery go? Did everything go according to plan? How is the pain level? Speedy Recovery


PR Addict
Surgery went well , lots of stiches and wire . Pain was bad days 2-4 as nerve block wore off . Pain is minimal now . I go next week to get out of the knee immbolizer for a drop block brace that I will be in a long time . Looking forward to just getting off my crutches in a few weeks !! Thanks for asking !


PR Addict
I requested a bell for the first week or so since I wouldn't be able to do much , the gf didn't like that much and no bell . However , the good ol AppStore came through for me !! Haha lol ,ding ding !



PR Member
Just keep up with the rehab/PT. If the PT tells you to do stretches or leg lifts, whatever exercise, do them consistently and never skip a morning or night "workout" session. I found the key to successful rehab is sticking to it and never "forgetting."

I had a full Achilles rupture in March '12. Dr. said I would be on crutches for a few months, but I'd be in a boot for a total of 9-12 months! I did every exercise they told me to do and never missed one rep, session, or workout. Never cheated. I was walking without a boot or crutches in 13 weeks! After PT was over, I continued to do all of exercises to build up the leg/muscle strength. It paid off.

Heal up!