Will Trump make it? Government corruption?


PR Founding Father
Good points. But I also think that Obama brought about the worst in this country. And it getting maddening how entitled people feel. Safe spaces. Attacking and demonizing people for having morals and refusing to allow grown men in a women's restroom. Etc.

I voted for Obama in college in 08. In 12 I voted for Romney because I knew Obama was a sham. Then in 16 I wanted Cruz to win but had to settle for trump.

I think there are about 4 types: old democrats who think the party is still for the working man. New Democrats who are socialist. Conservative Republicans and rino republicans. They want big govt. love big govt. Constitutional conservatives are few. And they're demonized for being so. What's wrong with smaller government and having local choices ?! Trump isn't a constitutional conservative but he's more conservative than we have seen in a long time.

But honestly people. Liberal principles cannot sustain. It just breeds lazy, sheep...who become dependent on the government. That dont have an initiative to go to work.


PR Elite
This country will continue to basically tread water until people (including elected officials) quit with this "liberal" vs. "conservative" crap. That's all I see anymore. Those two terms are about the dumbest things I've ever heard anyways. When you pick sides, you tend to become blind to the negative things. Happens on both sides, too. Then you get people calling others a "lazy liberal" or a "crazy conservative". Wait, so a guy votes for Obama and all of the sudden he's a lazy "liberal"? Maybe they just thought he was a well spoken and educated individual who would calmly lead the country through a turbulent time, no? Or maybe a guy voted for Trump because he simply thought he could clean up our finances? Doesn't make him a bad person or some crazy person.

It seems like most people on here are strong republicans, which is cool. It's kind of scary for me though to see the hatred that a lot of you have for people that aren't republicans or don't support your particular agenda. Hatred for news channels that don't report your agenda, don't support your people wholeheartedly. There are a lot of smart people in this country, but damn are we immature and petty as hell. That's one thing that I have no problem saying that Trump has done. He has brought out the worst in a lot of people by making immaturity and hatred okay. It would be pretty cool if all of these smart people could just come together and actually use their brains to talk through issues instead of picking a side and steadfastly sticking to it no matter what. Educated conversation can be pretty productive from my experience. Ahhh, what do I know anyways?

You again may know more than you realize. This whole us against them thing or balkanization is a key ingredient in the plan.

The problem is that really smart people have been playing the masses in our country for a very long time. Our Constitution sets us off from every other country in the world and is what made America great. It also stands directly in the path those who have other goals for our nation. What has happened here is taking place because no one is truely suffering. In fact it's lucrative to support the cause. But that's only possible because future generations are being robbed in the process..


PR Founding Father
You want to see Government corruption at its best? Read up on Wright State University. They are 28 million in debt. The head of the board of Regents, appointed by Kasich is knee deep in a H-1B visa scandal. He hired his son to work for $180,000 a year job. Steve Austria does not run for the 10th district US Congress seat after redistricting, gives it up to Congressman Mike Turner. What happened to Congressman Austria? He became a lobbyist and got a job consulting for Wright State, at $150,000 a year.

Kasich and Congressman Turner seem to be doing nothing about it. It is like protecting their own. Politics can be a very dirty business.

I know first hand how nasty it can get. I am very disappointed in the Republican party. We are in control but are still playing defense. Trump did not win the WH by playing defense. He played offense, and when he did take a hit, he hit back harder. This is what needs to happen. The Rino's all need to be replaced. Neither the right nor the left are going to let a non politician come in and tell them what to spend their money on, speaking of cutting government, and holly s**t.....TERM LIMITS! This crazy as man must be taken down in their eyes.

Honestly, the only ones that seriously seem to have any conviction, beliefs, and want to do what is best for the American people are the Freedom Caucus members. They are hammered as not playing ball with others, and wanting to stop government. Just the opposite. They are the ones actually voting and doing exactly what they promised the voters that voted them into office they would do.

The establishment left and right are not that much different. They are more concerned with staying in power and being re-elected, than actually making government more efficient and working for the American people.
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PR Member
I personally don't believe that any principles breed laziness but I get what you're saying Georgie. I believe that people are who they are. I also believe the economy is going to do what it does a far as the working man is concerned. The real working man. The guy that busts his ass for 40-65k per year. Doesn't matter who is your president. It's cyclical which has been proven generation after generation. Unfortunately no one pays attention to that though. Bush didn't ruin the economy and Obama didn't fix it. Clinton didn't ruin it either ten years after he had been out of office either. Those are all myths. I'm not going to suddenly turn into a bum if we have two democrats in a row. Democrats don't dictate the way I live my life. I do. Neither do Republicans. Lazy people are nothing new. It's been going on for centuries. There will always be people on welfare and there will always be people living off of the government. We do realize that Obama doesn't create welfare right? It's been around for years. Plenty of people on it during the Bush tenure. Clinton. Other bush. Reagan. Ford. Take your pick. Two things people need to start doing. 1) worry about themselves instead of wasting time complaining about what everyone else isn't doing. Then teach that to your kids. It starts at home. 2) treat people with some damn respect and have an educated conversation once per day. My grandfather's generation would put their collective foot up our a***s so far, that the water in their knee would quench our thirst if they saw how we treated each other these days.

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PR Member
You want to see Government corruption at its best? Read up on Wright State University. They are 28 million in debt. The head of the board of Regents, appointed by Kasich is knee deep in a H-1B visa scandal. He hired his son to work for $180,000 a year job. Steve Austria does not run for the 10th district US Congress seat after redistricting, gives it up to Congressman Mike Turner. What happened to Congressman Austria? He became a lobbyist and got a job consulting for Wright State, at $150,000 a year.

Kasich and Congressman Turner seem to be doing nothing about it. It is like protecting their own. Politics can be a very dirty business.

I know first hand how nasty it can get. I am very disappointed in the Republican party. We are in control but are still playing defense. Trump did not win the WH by playing defense. He played offense, and when he did take a hit, he hit back harder. This is what needs to happen. The Rino's all need to be replaced. Neither the right nor the left are going to let a non politician come in and tell them what to spend their money on, speaking of cutting government, and holly s**t.....TERM LIMITS! This crazy as man must be taken down in their eyes.

Honestly, the only ones that seriously seem to have any conviction, beliefs, and want to do what is best for the American people are the Freedom Caucus members. They are hammered as not playing ball with others, and wanting to stop government. Just the opposite. They are the ones actually voting and doing exactly what they promised the voters that voted them into office they would do.

The establishment left and right are not that much different. They are more concerned with staying in power and being re-elected, than actually making government more efficient and working for the American people.

Well. Said.

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PR Founding Father
You realize that Obama increased your taxes? Trump wants to cut taxes? Most republicans are always for less taxes. You may not care who is in office, and that is fine, as long as you don't mind paying taxes. Even on the local level, you get liberals on school board, city council, county commissioners, etc.....be prepaired for liberal spending and paying more local income taxes, sales tax and property tax.

You know Obama did create one of the biggest expansions in welfare ever? We have more people on Medicaid in history. Food Stamps were expanded under Obama to the tune of 38 more million people. So to say Obama does not cause welfare is wrong. He expanded It for sure.


PR Elite
I personally don't believe that any principles breed laziness but I get what you're saying Georgie. I believe that people are who they are. I also believe the economy is going to do what it does a far as the working man is concerned. The real working man. The guy that busts his ass for 40-65k per year. Doesn't matter who is your president. It's cyclical which has been proven generation after generation. Unfortunately no one pays attention to that though. Bush didn't ruin the economy and Obama didn't fix it. Clinton didn't ruin it either ten years after he had been out of office either. Those are all myths. I'm not going to suddenly turn into a bum if we have two democrats in a row. Democrats don't dictate the way I live my life. I do. Neither do Republicans. Lazy people are nothing new. It's been going on for centuries. There will always be people on welfare and there will always be people living off of the government. We do realize that Obama doesn't create welfare right? It's been around for years. Plenty of people on it during the Bush tenure. Clinton. Other bush. Reagan. Ford. Take your pick. Two things people need to start doing. 1) worry about themselves instead of wasting time complaining about what everyone else isn't doing. Then teach that to your kids. It starts at home. 2) treat people with some damn respect and have an educated conversation once per day. My grandfather's generation would put their collective foot up our a***s so far, that the water in their knee would quench our thirst if they saw how we treated each other these days.

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Admirable that you want to take care if your own but we are watching the destruction of the system of government that makes that possible. On the current trajectory, it's all going to collapse and total dependency becomes the only possibility for the "working man".


PR Member
No idea why I even opened my mouth (keyboard?). Ha, should have known better. I'll allow you guys to get back to your regularly scheduled programming on this forum.

Just to be clear though, all I was trying to say is that if people wanted to change this country for the better, it starts small. But as I said in my previous post, people have taken sides so it doesn't matter what another educated being says. They're (I'm) wrong! No big deal though for me. I'll continue to go to work, work on being debt free, and treat people right. I also need to work on my math though. I read earlier that 43(ish) million people are receiving food stamps right now. Same place I read that there were 32 million in 01/09. That number was increasing at the time due to the downturn. Also due to Bush loosening up rules to help out Americans that were losing their jobs (damn democrats, err?). Probably bad info. You know those liberals. Always posting fake news. Anyhow, I always thought 43 (2016)-32 (2009) was a net of 11. Like I said before. WHAT DO I KNOW.

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PR Elite
No idea why I even opened my mouth (keyboard?). Ha, should have known better. I'll allow you guys to get back to your regularly scheduled programming on this forum.

Just to be clear though, all I was trying to say is that if people wanted to change this country for the better, it starts small. But as I said in my previous post, people have taken sides so it doesn't matter what another educated being says. They're (I'm) wrong! No big deal though for me. I'll continue to go to work, work on being debt free, and treat people right. I also need to work on my math though. I read earlier that 43(ish) million people are receiving food stamps right now. Same place I read that there were 32 million in 01/09. That number was increasing at the time due to the downturn. Also due to Bush loosening up rules to help out Americans that were losing their jobs (damn democrats, err?). Probably bad info. You know those liberals. Always posting fake news. Anyhow, I always thought 43 (2016)-32 (2009) was a net of 11. Like I said before. WHAT DO I KNOW.

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We can't all be right but we all should have a voice and vote. The new totalitarian mindset is worst. Run from it! Lol!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and working through things. A great way to make some sense of it all.


PR Founding Father
Kx Your last post is pretty conservative. Starting small. Working. Morals....the New Democrat party isn't for any of that. I'm sure there are many democrats that think the same way but those people aren't liberals. They're people who want to believe democrat party is the same party it was during Kennedy administration.

...for every one of those hard working bust your ass guys that's having 2-3 kids and raising them right...there's 10 guys in the city drinking...working on making 10 more.

Used to be the other way around. Welfare is sustainable at 10 workers to 3 non workers. It isn't sustainable with 3 workers to 10 non workers no matter how bad anyone wants you to believe it's a millionaires fault.


PR Addict
So I am at Wal-Mart, rare for me, on a Tuesday at like 2:00 and the place is packed. I'm waiting in the 5 deep line and I say a bit out loud "what's the deal here?" and the portly gal in front of me spins around and says "iiitt's the first of the mooonth" Did my spelling help describe it? Don't ever go to Wal-Mart on the 1st of the month. I also had the pleasure of living in San Bernardino county in CA in the 90's before reform and it was 28% welfare so 1 out of every 4 adults. I could go on for days about the abuse and crap I saw.

So I get my identity stolen by some guy in VA that rented an apartment, opened 3 bank accounts, 5 credit cards, it goes on all in my name. They caught the SOB and it turns out he did it to around 50 people and I am proud to say I had a bit to do with him getting nailed. The DA from VA calls me and asks if I could be their star witness and I say "how does that work, I have to take time off work, get to VA, etc" and she says "we are under budget constraints" They want me to pay all costs! Not a big deal but holy crap and I want to say FU on principle. Actually I am waiting to speak to them again because I want to know more about my anonymity in doing it. Trump flies Air Force 1 to FL to play golf every week and I have to pay for this? Really?

Social security tax only applies up to an income of $118,500 I think and then it stops when you hit it. I should get it at my age, maybe not, but the numbers say SS will run out as we have all heard. So the have nots could pay in 6% of their income their whole life and get nothing but the income of the wealthy does not contribute the same %. To top that off the public sector all has a nice, cushy pension that most non union jobs no longer have. How about you stop both SS and your pension in it's tracks RIGHT NOW(you have what is in it today at some factor) and let me invest my money the way I want and you can fund your own retirement. I know SS is to prevent senior citizens from being homeless so lets start with the public sector pension. Many large companies have done this as we all know. Oh wait - the people that would vote in this enjoy the fact that I am funding their retirement. Don't even get me started on how much I pay for healthcare and what they pay because if I think about I am paying for theirs also.

It just seems to me that as companies have evolved to the current environment the public, especially government, sector just keeps on chugging along like they always have. Benefits never decrease, pay goes up, we add another trillion to the pile. Stop all the free crap and pay them more until they retire instead of setting them up to retire at 53 and live another 30 years on my money. Oh wait they probably couldn't pack it in at 53 if they had to fund their own retirement could they? Sure is going to suck having to keep working a job with 6 weeks of vacation and 15 sick days a year isn't it?

I don't even know what party I am these days but I want someone that can change the way government is run...period. I thought Trump had the best chance for sure and let's remember we are only 6 months in. Fingers crossed and I also don't think him getting impeached is much of a possibility.

End rant.....
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PR Elite
Well an unhappy Democrat/Sanders voter got to express his frustration yesterday and made his opinion towards the Republican party known LOUD and CLEAR.

And in predictably typical fashion it was immediately followed up by Virginia Democratic Governor Terry Mcauliffe making Press statement that we need more gun control. (made an ass of himself, is mostly what I heard, and heard others comment as well)

Congress and other branch's and departments of our government, have and are taking steps to impede any chance of progress on Trump's agenda items. And of course now he will get the heat from this shooting due to his style of loose cannon tweets, comments and opinions.

If the general voting public felt frustrated before over our government corruption and gridlock, they're about to experience a whole new low point, me thinks. They are NOT going to let Trump succeed. Quite simply......."they hate him"!

I just don't know if people realize, that had the election went the other way and Hillary were in office right now, I think that the chaos and news stories would be as bad, and maybe even worse. I've spoke with a lot of lifetime Dem's that just couldn't bring themselves to vote for her and everything the Clintons represent.
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PR Founding Father
Trump is not a politician, and most (Dems and Reps) are against him. If I had a totally green guy come into the company that I work for, and become everyones boss, I don't think it would go over well. Trump is crazy for even doing this!!! He could have road off into the sunset unscathed, but now who knows what he'll be remembered for.


PR Founding Father
Trump will succeed. It is not going to happen over night. Slowly over time the right and the left are going to figure out they are losing. I would love to see a lot of trump voters vote in the mid-term elections. If they were able to unseat some current congressman, and get new blood into office, they will all wake up real fast and get on board.

There is one Democrat congressman (forgot his name) from WV. He is taking all kinds of heat for supporting Trumps policies. But his district voted Trump and he is up for re-election. He wants to be elected, and knows if he is going against trump, he is going against the majority of the voters in his district. Trump has put a lot of coal miners back to work.


PR Founding Father
I use some contractors that also contract work from mining companies, and they are still pretty darn slow. It's definitely not fully back up to speed, but slowly getting there.... Hopefully.
I cover southern Ohio, KY and Western WV. Ferrell country lol
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PR Member
The resistance to Trump will never rescind. If they can't find something, they will make something from the ether. Both republicans and democrats are in lock-step with one another to impede any and all progress of this president and will not relent until he's impeached or rendered completely impotent.

I mean, my God, I don't think he even has his cabinet approved yet- owing it, of course, to obstructions on behalf of opposing politicians.

As for the political commentary from the left, Trump has done a great job antagonizing them to let their true colors bleed through their piety. They are dogmatic, vindictive, divisive and outright hateful.

They've taken liberal values and perverted them for exploit as leverage and moral collateral without regard for civility or the safety of others. To watch them parade around with high pomp and holier-than-thou condescension is, anymore, an obscenity.

Who poses with a decapitated head of a person- let alone a sitting President- and expects it to be received as anything other than a desecration to basic human decency, let alone the American way!? Who participates in, views, or supports a play production that murders a Trump look-a-like? How is that remotely defend able!?

Whether their intentions were literal or metaphorical, the symbolism of whatever they were hoping for was lost to the vulgarity of the acts.

What I hope many actually preened from the aftermath of them (I hope) is that, more than anything, this was a genuine revelation of character, or lack thereof, by the Left. The bedrock of the party's political message- communal love, embrace and acceptance of all peoples- has proven to be a farce. It actually comes with a prerequisite--homogeneity of beliefs.

And this is only 6 months in! We're only beginning!

All this resistance and turmoil, and for what?

Because Trump wishes to...
-Reduce taxes/regulations? (Put more $ in everyone's pocket)
-Reduce government fraud, abuse and waste.
-Protect our borders, reform the immigration screening process to keep terrorists from our land?

The list goes on, but the point being that his goals aren't radical aberrations from American culture, but a return to common sense measures that every American lives by and knows well. Somehow, this gets the most resistance.

But my deepest disappointment lies with the Republicans, especially. Of the major political parties, they are either the least courageous or the biggest liars of them all. They accomplish nothing, sport a victim-mentality, ...even when there's a Republican-controlled House, Senate and presidency...and fail to support the President, democratically elected ahead of other Republican candidates.

They're sore losers, liars, cowards, etc...and the biggest joke of them all.
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PR Founding Father
Could not have said it better. Total disappointment with the establishment GOP. We either need term limits, or the voters need to enact term limits by voting them out of office. I'm to the point with the exception of a select few, that I am voting for the non-incumbent candidate. Washington is definitely broken. It's unfortunate that Trump who won the election, is having to battle his own party to get the things done that the American people wish to happen.


PR Member
Complete corruption.

It's been a month since this thread started and the question becomes more pressing (and legitimate) with every day that passes...

Will Trump make it?

Looks bleak.


PR Member
It's time to take the $ out of politics. Remove the impetus that harbors career politicians and reduce political appointments to the scope and benefit of their original construct- a civic duties that likened itself to an imposition rather than a springboard to affluence (e.g. jury duty).

Mandate term limits, remove the lobbyists, etc, etc...

Gotta get at the crux of the issue that allows the problem to fester.

It would be a herculean effort and far from probable, but still, an honorable pursuit that both sides of the aisle could unite upon.


PR Founding Father
Article 5 ==> convention of the states.

In other news, Trump stated at Iowa rally earlier that he wants to build a solar wall that will pay for itself. "solar," I'm sure all the D's are lining up for that one. Anyone have any idea on how they'll spin it so it can't be done? Maybe it'll go something like this: "AHHH, those solar panel components are gonna be bought from Russia in a dirty deal or something....and trumps mean"

Then he goes on to say, immigrants coming into the country need to be able to support themselves financially for 5 years before they can receive welfare.....pfft. why not make welfare for natural born citizens ONLY? Or allow immigrants welfare, but for 2 years. If they're not off, they're deported? If the native born citizens aren't off in 2 years....send 'em on a train to California. They'll take 'em. There's gotta be a better way....keep them on welfare but make them work for the state. Frustrating times we live in.