Anyone missing this bike?


PR Member
Anyone missing this bike? It’s posted on Offerup in Euclid or Cleveland, no title of course. Has a Bean’s Bikepark sticker on the shroud. Here’s a link to the ad:


Hope someone gets their bike back.


PR Founding Father
I bet the joker lives at 17574 st Claire and east 27? in Cleveland....just wondering. I love vanity. Best sin ever.

Or maybe the first time it was impounded that’s where the cops labeled it was taken from?

who knows. Maybe was bought legally from a state auction. Well no because they would issues a title.


There is a name right above the air box intakes on the side plates.. can anyone make it out?
IMG_0418.jpg IMG_0419.jpg
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PR Member
It was posted to an off-road Facebook group I belong to looking to see if anyone recognized it. It was shared numerous times so he might have gotten tired of hearing about it or sold it. Looks to me like someone loved it before it came to be beat up and tired at Gana’s Garage.



PR Founding Father
Well that’s good. Maybe not stolen at all. Or maybe just being passed around the ring. Seems like that’s where all the good bikes go to die. The hood.


PR Founding Father
saw on fb that it was sold and then whoever it was sold to had it stolen from them..and that guy still had the title. prob long gone by now anyhow.