OIR pics and update


PR Addict
So you are going to be rude simply because your opinion is different than mine? Did I bash any one? Did I call any one names? Your comment telling me to shut up and your need to call a young man ( who is a very good rider ) you dont know a spode shows that you believe any one who has a differing opinion than your own is inferior to you. How DARE anybody not think the same as YOU.

What makes your opinion have more value than mine, or anybody else? So lets put this into perspective....YOUR feelings were hurt by my opinion. Nobody from OIR, Tim included, has responded as though their feelings were hurt. As a matter of fact, they took the time to knock the hill down a bit that day. That would tell me they believed it was an area in need of attention too.

Since when does the amount of effort and or time a person puts into something make anything perfect? You mean to tell me that simply because I have poured my heart and soul into my business means I cant make any improvements to how we do our job or treat our customers? Im sure your company runs perfect and has no room for improvement? If your customers tell you they feel you could improve on your goods or services do you call them names??

If I remember correctly the young man said he hit a kicker just before the top of the hill and he couldnt get on the brakes. It wasnt his first lap by any means at all. Part of a track owners job, again IMO, is to weigh the dangers we face between rider error and possibilities for injury on the track. We all know the risk and its almost 100% rider. But as a track owner I would think if an obstacle or section poses a much higher risk for problems or injury they would be more likely to address it. And that was my only point. If not, I wouldnt have talked about what a great time we had and that we would be back for sure.

Your opinion and others like kawi330 and shaffstall above is that its fine. And thats perfectly acceptable, better yet, they are emotionally stable and didnt feel the need to call people names or degrade them. Get off your mile high horse Sharc. Your far worse than any "expert" on here that you love to call out any time your precious little feelings are hurt.

You are right, the track is awesome. And again I will thank the track crew for all the work.



PR Founding Father
Please allow me to make an apology.
I’m very sorry for using the term spode.

In haste, I was hoping to use the term spode to imply that this was a very typical crash, by a very typical rider, on very typical track, on any typical open ride day.

It was written as a metaphor to describe the crash and it was a poor choice of words to use on an open forum.

Among friends, we us it as a term of endearment for those Oh-Oh moments we’ve all had. (We’ve all spoded-out at one time or another)
Yet, on an open forum the slang word can easily be taken out of context. I’m sorry.

So rather than some great metaphor, the word spode seems to have come across as an adjective and that was not my intention at all.
It was not meant to be any sort belittlement or put-down nor was it intended to have any reflection on the rider or his abilities. It was used in an attempt to show commonality and I failed.

To the dad and the rider:
Please allow me to apologize here and again when we see each other at the track.

I am very sorry for using the term spode when describing the crash. I should have taken the time to define it more in depth and not used slang words. It was not meant to be any sort belittlement or put-down nor was it intended to have any reflection on the rider or his abilities.
I apologize for this and I’m sorry for any insinuation it may have implied – that was not the intent. I’m sorry.

Your son being ready and willing to get back on and tackle the rigors of Moto once again demonstrates he is a badd-ass and A-100.

I am grateful that you came on here to let us know that in the end - it was very typical crash, by a very typical rider, on very typical track, on any typical open ride day and that your son was not a victim and did not leave injured. In fact, he was willing to go back out.

And his typical crash was certainly not something that should be a focal point on a new tracks opening day.

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PR Member
i can understand it being slang but when you add boo hoo and he's not a victim .. well it comes off a little rude and pissed me off. i like that fact that people care about it and that he did in fact try to slow down but the breaking bumps would not allow him to. typical crash maybe for you, but he wont for get it. (handstand over the bars into a scorpion not so typical) . thank you for the apology i will pass it on to my son.


PR Founding Father
For sure it was a nasty crash. I watched the entire thing. He did a scorpion over the bars.

This is not about labeling him in anyway.
I was attempting to use a metaphor to say it could happen to any of us, at any time, on any track.

Again - I'm sorry, it was written in haste without regard to the notion that some may take it out of context.

You ain't nothing but a hounddog
He's got the eye of the tiger
She's a fox
Love is a battlefield
He's a shining star in the class
