Aliens are Coming


PR Elite
Well I've never been a tin foil hat alien conspiracy theory sky is falling kind of guy but I find this has captivated my attention.

Just spotted this on Fox News this morning.

After a general google search found that most major media outlets released articles on the topic extensively back in March of this year. (How did I miss this ? ? ?)

Do a general search: Why is US government ignoring ufo sightings?

The sightings by NASA, the Fighter Jet and radar crews from the USS Nimitz and Princeton all seem to be credible and unexplainable to say the least. There is even a Wikipedia site for this.

It seems that the mainstream media is willing to bring this to the public's attention but the US Government isn't.
My guess is, they don't want to upset the game. They don't want mass hysteria, or people to have their eyes opened up that America or any other major country can't afford to have people to stop believing in the tried and true, GOD-FAMILY-COUNTRY way of thinking.

Maybe we're not alone.
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PR Elite
Now I feel like "That Guy" :rolleyes:



PR Founding Father
Conversely, our Govt. would never put out bits of information in a way to make you think a certain way or intentionally confuse us?


PR Elite
Why wouldn't we completely trust them.
After all, they've been watching over us and our best interest our whole lives now haven't they?

This whole thing may turn out to be complete caca, but the fact that the Pentagon waited since 2004 to declassify this info is suspicious in itself isn't it?
Yea it's been 14 years, but now that I am 53yrs old, I realize just how short a time that is.

I would say that the interviews from the pilots and all other's that witnessed all of this might have pressured the information to finally come out. Especially the YouTube releases. Now thinking back on it I think I did read that some information that the Pentagon had was actually leaked out.

But what caught my eye the most was just how much the press and media has been questioning this since it was released in November last year? They want to know!

Sensationalism....we'll see.
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PR Elite
Pentagon confirms existence of $22m UFO program, releases incident videos

Published on Dec 17, 2017
The Pentagon has confirmed the existence of a $22 million program to investigate UFOs and has released video of an encounter from a US Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet present at the 2004 Nimitz incident off the coast of San Diego.

Pretty cool video's on this.

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PR Elite
The Commander Pilot who is the focal point of this whole story is an Ohio native... Interesting!

Good version of it from the Boston Globe published earlier this year
This former Navy pilot, who once chased a UFO, says we should take them seriously


David Fravor, commander of a Navy squadron aboard the USS Nimitz, had an encounter with a UFO that is hard to explain.

By Martin Finucane Globe Staff January 16, 2018

David Fravor is a recognizable type. Affable, neatly dressed, with a men’s regular haircut and semi-rimless glasses, he’s a retired military man who works as a consultant in the Boston area. He could be standing in front of you in a Starbucks line and you wouldn’t notice him at all.

But the story he has to tell is literally out of this world.

Thirteen years ago, the Windham, N.H., resident was a veteran US Navy pilot at the controls of an F/A-18-F fighter jet flying off San Diego when he sighted an unidentified flying object and tried to intercept it.

“I want to join on it. I want to see how close I can get to it,” Fravor, 53, said, describing his thinking as he began the pursuit.

Then the object, which looked like a 4o-foot-long Tic Tac candy, “goes whoosh, and it’s gone.” he said. It accelerated rapidly and disappeared like no aircraft he had ever seen in his career.

Fravor has been in the news recently after the New York Times broke the story that the Pentagon had a secret program that investigated reports of UFOs. The Defense Department says it closed down the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program in 2012 after five years, but the program’s backers say it remains in existence, investigating UFO reports from service members while carrying out other duties.

The story of Fravor’s close encounter accompanied the expose, illustrating the kinds of UFO stories that are hard to explain away.

“I know what I saw,” said Fravor.

The incident occurred on Nov. 14, 2004. It was about 140 miles southwest of San Diego, Fravor said. The commander of a squadron of more than 300 service members aboard the carrier USS Nimitz, he was flying a brand-new plane with a weapons systems officer in the back seat. Another fighter from his squadron, with pilot and weapons system officer aboard, was flying with him. It was a perfect Southern California day.

The sea was calm, without whitecaps. No clouds marred the sky.

A radio operator from the cruiser USS Princeton directed them to an area where the Princeton had been tracking mysterious objects for two weeks. The objects had been dropping straight down from above 80,000 feet and stopping at 20,000 feet. “They’d hang out for hours, and then when they were done, they would go straight back up,” Fravor said.

When the two fighters got to the assigned location, they spotted a disturbance under the water, Fravor said. To him, it looked like something the size of a Boeing 737 airplane was underneath, causing waves to break over it.

“Then we see this bright white object” above the disturbance, moving erratically, back and forth, left and right, bouncing around like a ping pong ball, he said.

Fravor’s jet and the other jet were circling the spot. The other jet was high, Fravor’s jet lower. Trying to get a closer look at the Tic Tac, he began an easy, circular descent toward it.

The object “starts mirroring me,” beginning its own circular ascent from the ocean, he said.

“It’s at about the 2 o’clock and it’s coming up, and I’m at about the 8 o’clock position coming down,” he said, using the cap of a pen to illustrate the maneuvers during an interview at a suburban restaurant.

At that point, he said, he decided to cut across and head directly toward the mysterious object. He turned, dove, then pulled up his plane’s nose — and it zoomed away.

Fravor then looked for the underwater object, and saw that it, too, had disappeared.

The fighters conferred with the Princeton and were told to head to a rendezvous point 60 miles away. They headed toward it when the Princeton told them that radar had picked up the object again — already at the rendezvous point.

When the two jets got there, the object had disappeared. Why it decided to go there of all places is a mystery, Fravor said.

Nearing the end of a 24-year career in the Navy and Marines, Fravor had plenty of experience encountering other aircraft in the sky, but this one was different, he said. It was bright white, cylindrical, with rounded ends. It had no wings, no windows, no exhaust plume.

And then there was that speed. “It was impressive. It was fast. It was maneuverable, and I’d really

like to fly it,” Fravor said he told the executive officer on the Nimitz afterwards.

He came within nearly a half-mile of it, he estimated. He and his back-seater as well as the men in the other plane saw it with their own eyes for 3 to 5 minutes, he said.

“What’s unique about [our encounter] is we physically interacted and chased it,” he said. “We literally engaged it.”

Later, back at the carrier, he told his back-seater, “Dude, I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty weirded out.”

More fighters were launched and, while they didn’t see it with the naked eye, one crew saw it on their radar and video screens, he said. A copy of the video has been released by the Defense Department. (A second video released by the government shows a different encounter on the East Coast, Fravor said.)

In addition to the Princeton tracking the objects, Fravor said, the Nimitz and an E-2 surveillance plane in the area could also see the objects on their radars.

Was there an intelligence controlling the object?

“Oh, yeah,” Fravor said. “It reacted to us.”

Fravor has no idea what the object was or what it was doing. He says he jokes with people that the object was the one that messed up — by being seen and chased when it wasn’t supposed to be.

He got plenty of ribbing back aboard the carrier. But he said he was surprised at the lack of curiosity the Defense Department showed about the encounter, which happened in an area well-known as a Navy training ground.

“I figured someone would come out,” he said. After all, they’d been tracking the objects for two weeks and surely a debriefing would be in order. But no one ever did.

Fravor said if a foreign submarine had surfaced behind a carrier in the area, dire alarms would have been raised and questions would have been asked about how it had penetrated the Navy’s defense.

And yet now you have many of these objects, like a dozen of them, that are just, at will, just showing up, doing whatever they want, and going away and you can do nothing about it. And no one asks any questions,” he said.

Over the years, it became just a funny story that he would tell friends — until he was contacted several months ago by Luis Elizondo, the man who once headed the Pentagon program, who asked him to tell his story to the Times.

Now he’s glad the issue is making headlines. And he supports the work of the To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, a new group that Elizondo has joined that aims to raise money for UFO research.

“I think the story needs to be told. We need to stop making jokes and start paying attention to it,” Fravor said.

“This is not a US problem. This is a global issue,” he said. “Why aren’t we investigating these things? . . . If it’s like ‘E.T.’, then it’s all good. If it’s like ‘War of the Worlds’ or ‘Independence Day,’ then not so much.”

He said it appears our existing technology is “way, way behind” and that if we could understand the Tic Tac’s technology it could benefit the world, leading, for example, to new sources of energy.

The $22 million reportedly spent on the five-year Pentagon program was like a “rounding error” in the Defense Department’s massive budget, he said. With better funding, he believes a breakthrough could happen.

“With the right money and the right focus, you can figure this out,” he said. “I think there’s enough brilliant, open minds.”

Fravor describes himself as an average guy — “total middle class from Toledo, in the PBS documentary series “Carrier” Ohio” — who’s somehow managed to have some amazing experiences. (Among other things, he appeared and has flown his jet over the Super Bowl.)

He said his recent appearances in the news have inspired some jests from friends, which he expected. But so far the overall reaction has been positive.

Fravor, who is married and has two grown children, said his neighbors in New Hampshire haven’t said much about it.

One, though, stopped by with a present: a box of Tic Tacs.

Does he think he will ever see a UFO again?

“Never say never. But there’s, what, 7½ billion people in the world? — and I chased it,” he said.
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PR Elite
A little Friday levity.
Just goes to show you, lawn turfing never get's old. :D

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PR Elite
And let's not forget to mention that you can give yourself the Alien treatment for your bike with UFO plastic's and accessories.

And then we've got some Moto-Alien dance moves:


PR Founding Father
Talking about congressmen. True story. The Greene Co Republican Party held its annual hog roast. We invited a un-named congressman that many people had not heard his story in to be our speaker. I then received a phone call from the Congressman that represents the districts right hand man The congressman is all bent out of shape that we did not call him first to get his blessing to have the other congressman from the same party come into his district to speak. That is how sensitive and ridiculous these guys can be at times. It's those moments that leave me speechless.

In my position, I've learned way too much about many of our elected officials in ohio. There are many good ones, but some just need to go


PR Elite
US Navy drafting new guidelines for reporting UFOs
By Christopher Carbone


Published April 24, 2019

Fox News
The U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for pilots and other employees to report encounters with "unidentified aircraft."

The new effort comes in response to more sightings of unknown, advanced aircraft flying into or near Navy strike groups or other sensitive military facilities and formations, according to the Navy.

"There have been a number of reports of unauthorized and/or unidentified aircraft entering various military-controlled ranges and designated air space in recent years," the Navy said in a statement to Politico, which first reported the move.

"For safety and security concerns, the Navy and the [U.S. Air Force] takes these reports very seriously and investigates each and every report."

"As part of this effort," it told Politico, "the Navy is updating and formalizing the process by which reports of any such suspected incursions can be made to the cognizant authorities. A new message to the fleet that will detail the steps for reporting is in draft."

The initiative comes amid increasing interest from lawmakers and the public following the release of classified files from the Defense Intelligence Agency which revealed the funding of projects that investigated UFOs, wormholes, alternate dimensions and other obscure topics that typically leads to the conspiracy-theory fringes of the web.

That research, first reported by The New York Times in 2017, was funded by the Department of Defense under its Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) and reportedly spent $25 million conducting studies and trying to evaluate multiple unexplained events.

Chris Mellon, a former Pentagon intelligence official and ex-staffer on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told Politico that establishing a more structured, official means of reporting what the military now calls "unexplained aerial phenomena" (UAP) — rather than "unidentified flying objects" — would be a “sea change.”

“Right now, we have a situation in which UFOs and UAPs are treated as anomalies to be ignored rather than anomalies to be explored,” he added. “We have systems that exclude that information and dump it.”

The Navy also said it's taking a more proactive approach in briefing lawmakers.

"In response to requests for information from Congressional members and staff, Navy officials have provided a series of briefings by senior Naval Intelligence officials as well as aviators who reported hazards to aviation safety," the service told Politico.


PR Member
Kasich, DeWine, Brown all Ohio Aliens...Must be from another planet, their so off base(possibly voted in by aliens). What's gonna happen to the Bible when they announce themselves? Do we openly share our knowledge of a Greater Creator? Do we except them as one of Gods creation...just not in his image? Will they come in Peace? Will we show Peace? My guess Gov throws a rock at a far more advanced race. We are far to ignorant as an Entire race to even understand our own History. I'm more fix the human race to get along and help one another live a fruitful life before going to Mars. The chances are more likely if we unite as a Race from Aliens arrival...We will need Gods help to save us once again.


PR Elite
Our government spends so much time, effort and wealth, (our hard earned money), at trying to keep the whole world convinced that we have all of the answers and know what's best for everybody that they will remain in complete denial that outer galaxy aliens "Might" exist right up until it can no longer be ignored, or explained.

The US Government has also given up belief in any organized religions or that a true God like entity exist.

I think it's a hoot as these unexplainable events are surfacing, and they are finally having to explain what they already new and kept secret.