MX Masks?


PR Founding Father
We been prophylactically intubating everyone because of the potential to catch on fire.

Virus is 60-120nm roughly.
surgical mask threads are 300nm at their closest point.

let a 5 foot tall human be the virus.let a 13 foot and 25 foot for garage door be the mask.

Garage door -

that would be like me 5 foot tall walking through a 25 foot tall door. At theworst case (60nm)

and at the best case me (let’s say im walking through a 13foot door.

So let’s say I’m a virus. And I want to infect something important to you. Like the dirtbike. You say ah yes my 25 foot garage door is protecting me from getting my important things compromised. So you go to bed. And I walk through your garage door and compromise your bike.
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PR Addict
I'm glad you took a humorous post so sensitively.

There are a lot of studies, but in one the average aerodynamic particle size of a cough is ~8um (which the virus would be attached to). In a separate study of surgical masks, there's a less than 0.2% penetration percentage for a particle size average of 3.1um. You would infer that for 8um it would be even less. And of course, 8um is 26x larger than the gap in a surgical mask at its smallest point.

Anyways, your analogy is already flawed. Most problems with surgical masks aren't related to mask efficiency, but goodness of fit. So in your analogy, you wouldn't walk through the garage door, you would just go around back of the house and enter the sliding door that was left wide open when you fell asleep on the couch.


PR Founding Father
No surgical mask makes a seal except an n95. Which an n95 isn’t a surgical mask at all.

every n95 is one time use. (except when there’s no supply and the government says oh well—-ahh they can be used a lot now....and uh we can clean them. Sure—no.) theyre Designed for short intervals and one time use. Not for joe public with a beard to wear the same one for weeks on end. He’s just subjecting himself to more bacteria and bullsnit being caught up in the mask all the whole not really even protecting himself or others. When he sneezes it’s like blasting everything to his sides and behind him. Maybe the guy on in front of him won’t catch on fire but anyone beside and behind has the potential to.

I get the humorous post. And I liked it. Funny video! But this mask debate has no evidence in either side if it’s effective past limited trials that don’t really test much of anything. It’s basically showing that people are doing something, against a virus they can’t see. Makes them feel safe. Perhaps.

I still wear one in Walmart so some idiot doesn’t stab me because they’re brainwashed or think I’m asumotomatically soreading this to everyone simply because I don’t have a maskon. Makes me mad that I’msubjecting myself to more crud by wearing these things over and over. At the track I just make sure I’m not picking anyone’s teeth with my nose. Or just simply staying away and making sure I don’t cough and heave in there direction.
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PR Addict
As much as it might seem like we're disagreeing I do think we're on the same page. Agree with your comments.


PR Elite
First day of school!


PR Elite
Great news that they're getting back.
Oldest granddaughter started Wednesday, the two grandsons, and youngest granddaughter all begin next Monday.

Your boy will certainly get some looks with that half face respirator on.
We semi-regularly have to wear respirators at work, It sucks having any of them on for any length of time.

Walking through Walmart with one of them old WWI full face units would be a hoot.
