Trump daddy


PR Elite
Cruz is ahead of Trump in the poles now. Trump will never get elected, they wont let him.

Im scared now matter who wins, this country is going down the toilet rapidly. Money and power are the only things that matter in government....... right, wrong and patriotism are nonexistent.


PR Founding Father
Cruz is not an establishment candidate. They are tryin to destroy him. Republicans hate him because he is for the people and doesn't want be a shady prick and mislead.

Cruz campaigned on exactly what is doing for Texas. And he is for the people.

Beating Hillary isn't the problem. Massive registrations of dipshit college students are being undertaken right now for feel the bern sanders. Hillary is dead in the water.

Bama was elected by college kids and Bernie is headed the same direction. God help us.


PR Founding Father
Im ready to quit.


PR Elite
This is from Cruz's web sight.

To shrink the size and power of the federal government, the Cruz
Five for Freedom plan eliminates the IRS, the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, the Department of Commerce, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. As President, Ted Cruz will appoint heads of each of those agencies whose sole charge will be to wind them down and determine whether any programs need to be preserved.
  • Ted Cruz will empower the people by reducing the alphabet soup of Agencies, Bureaus, Commissions, and other programs that prop up special interests, at the taxpayer’s expense. The Cruz Five for Freedom Spending Plan identifies an initial 25 programs.
  • The Cruz plan re-institutes President Reagan’s Grace Commission to assess federal spending levels and evaluate areas of waste and fraud. Ted Cruz would appoint private-sector leaders to serve on a commission that, as President Reagan put it, would “work like blood hounds” to improve government efficiency. The original Grace Commission report recommended 2,478 “cost-cutting, revenue-enhancing” suggestions, without raising taxes, weakening defense, or harming social welfare.
  • A President Cruz will hold Congress accountable by enacting a strong Balanced Budget Amendment and requiring that a majority of members approve any major, cost-inducing regulation. And he will reduce costs by instituting a hiring freeze and federal pay reforms.
So.. His plans are to eliminate all of these federal jobs.
I'm kind of curious what the ratio in America is of people who are employed by Federal, State, County, or Cities and municipalities, verses those that are employed in private the sector, companies, corporations, manufacturer's, etc?

There are a hell of a lot of employees in these government jobs, and they are all voters.

Hell, they went nuts when Obama's sequester plan failed and backfired and the pay freezes and shutdowns occurred.

Every candidate in the race has made claims that are not well thought out and subject to major pushbacks and criticisms.
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PR Elite
Blah, not one of them will do what they say. Even if Cruz wanted to do this once in office do you think he could get it passed?\

One thing about Trump in his favor....he is the one candidate who I believe could get things passed in congress, he is a negotiator and deal closer. The real question is what will he want to pass?


PR Founding Father
Emminent domain

4 years ago I was a moron.( Might still be. ) but I was fresh out of college and soaking up the socialist bulkshit they pounded into my head. Believed all those jackass democrats that swore to fight for me and help my eduction costs. Not only were they lieing but it wasnt realistic.

They Had me hating UPS a Multi billion dollar company that paid me spit. But looking back damn I had more money then than I do now it seems. That company wasn't greedy. They were successful and didn't need me to do the work, there were millions of sheep that could do it. I guess when you're a sheep all you want to do is kill the flock tender. Then once you evolve out of being a sheep you realize how stupid the sheep really are.

God I can't wait to see when I'm 40 how stupid my aged self looks back on me as a 29 year old.....
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PR Elite
God I can't wait to see when I'm 40 how stupid my aged self looks back on me as a 29 year old.....

Hee hee!
You've got plenty of company on this one. A couple months back, my dad brought me a photograph of my brother and I setting in my first car I bought when I was 15. Brother was 18. That was in 1981, and we were having tons of fun, but man were we clueless!
What gets me is at that time, I couldn't see that years down the road, when I'm 50 years old I would be staring at that photograph and just shaking my head.
Ohhhh to be so young and blissfully ignorant again.......:confused:

Double D

PR Founding Father
Trump may have all the votes he is going to get,as others like Kasich and whoever drop out, I am not sure their supporter will change their vote to Trump.

So as the others drop out where to you think their vote will go?


PR Elite
Make or break? Our federal government has been broken for a very long time. Progressives began the process over a hundred years ago. Frustration is building as voters of both parties realize that the system is rigged. The current presidential election process is demonstrating how. The Democratic disparate coalition of radicals and the oppressed is coming to terms with the super delegate. The Republican conservative base is awakening to how they have been played by the party's establishment leadership. And how Republicans, sent to Washington to counter a radical left President have through their party leadership, provided little opposition. Deals cut privately by politicians consolidate power in Washington, grow government and in effect take the voters out of the equation.

Trump may have all the votes he is going to get,as others like Kasich and whoever drop out, I am not sure their supporter will change their vote to Trump.

So as the others drop out where to you think their vote will go?

Trump's run has been compared to a third party bid through the Republican party. Polling shows when he's placed in a one on one contest with Cruz, Trump loses big. Trump has basically been a lifelong liberal Democrat. He's still fearless and confounding the conventional wisdom establishment but if you closely follow his more recent comments, his penchant for big government cronyism is showing. He will make deals (really great deals?) but deals got us to where we are today.
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PR Founding Father
Trumps calling for a boycott on apple because they won't create a backdoor to read the encryption on the San Bernardino terrorists phone. If less govt is what he's campaigning on why is he calling for Apple to give up privacy of law abiding citizens?! I'm not voting for that guy unless he's up against Hillary. If people stay home they're just basically voting for Hillary or Bernie.

This is like the gun debate. More background checks, make it harder to get for law abiding citizens. criminals don't get background checks they get guns.

Well now lets create a backdoor that can encroach privacy on millions of citizens that carry an iPhone. . "One time only." Bagahahahahahahahagah yea right. Until the next time it happens. Until all they'll need is a court order for each phone. Until that software gets into the hands of the chinese(which it will they steal patents and everything else via the Internet) Until that software gets into the hands of all other world powers. And before you know it all the citizens in the entire world are being watched, indexed, and logged by the world powers.

In comes turd in 3..2...1....

Or the government already can see through the encryption and this is a big psychology operation so terrorists buy iPhones thinking their plots can't be fooled as long as they communicate through text message. (More likely) we already are being watched.
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PR Elite
The Republican conservative base is awakening to how they have been played by the party's establishment leadership. And how Republicans, sent to Washington to counter a radical left President have through their party leadership, provided little opposition. Deals cut privately by politicians consolidate power in Washington, grow government and in effect take the voters out of the equation.

He will make deals (really great deals?) but deals got us to where we are today.

KO's correct on this. It always amazes me during the Senate and House elections you get these newbie freshmen members coming in, with all of the promises they made to their home district voters, only to later be muscled to sit down and shut up if you want any cooperation on the deals you came for. They soon realize they are almost powerless in the face of the establishment lions.

Before Hillary conceded the primary election over to Obama back in 2008, they had a private backroom meeting. And of course it didn't take long to see what deal they cut. She was shortly thereafter appointed the post of the 2nd most powerful position in Washington. Secretary of State. Making her the most powerful woman in the world.

Yep...predetermined rigged game.

Double D

PR Founding Father
Trumps calling for a boycott on apple because they won't create a backdoor to read the encryption on the San Bernardino terrorists phone.
Stop right there....this is how our freedoms get taken away. They find a reason that the people want their freedoms taken away then they expoit those freedoms.

What Apple should do is download everything off that phone, records, pictures and turn it over to whoever but no way no how create a back door.


PR Founding Father
Trump got another win in South Carolina. Bush is out.....Rubio and Cruz were neck and neck. Bush's 7% split between Cruz and Rubio only get them within possible 7 or 8 points of Trump. Trump is polling at about 35% across the country. Carson drops out, His 7% probably goes 1/2 to Trump, and the other 1/2 split between the Rubio and Cruz. Both Rubio and Cruz are determined to win. So I don't think anyone beats Trump. The only way would be if Cruz or Rubio drop out, but even then, If Cruz drops out, I think over 1/2 his supporters go to Trump.

And to those that say they cant beat Hillary.....really? I think Trump, Cruz or Rubio could beat Hillary. And because Trump is more centrist than the other two, and everyone in the country knows Trump, I think he can win. My personal opinion is, I think the RNC and DNC both want the American public to think Trump cant win, because they are scared as hell of him. The RNC chair was on Fox News. He disgusted me making comments about, "well we will figure out a way to deal with it if Trump gets the nomination". He is the freaking chair of our party. It is NOT up to him who our nomination is for President. I am so sick of establishment republicans.

Right here in Ohio's 10th district, there has been dirty politics going on with Chris Widener and Bob Hackett. The Ohio Republican Central Committee Chair Mr. Borges called and chastised our Greene Co. chair, Robert Wood, because our county party did not endorse ANY current incumbents. Said he had lost control. Really? There were 98 people in that room that voted to endorse candidates, and Robert did a great job running the meeting. The members of the Greene Co. party voted the endorsements. The State Central Committee is so upset, they will not allow our county republican party to use their bulk mailing because what we want to mail out, is not endorsing "their" chosen candidates.

That is why in Greene county their is a big change happening. And we are all Republican in the whole county. Not one elected democrat in county office.


PR Elite
Trump will beat Hillary but not Sanders in the general election. Cruz has a better chance against Sanders from what Ive seen


PR Founding Father
I can't imagine this country voting for Sanders over Trump once Sanders becomes more well known. He is a complete socialist loon.