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  1. yamadogyz

    Memorial day weekend ride

    Hey, everybody! (DBA for short) is holding an midwest/east coast ride day at Crow Canyon over Memorial day weekend (Sat&Sun only). There should be bon fires as permitted, camping, riding, cooking out and fun. This is not a Crow Canyon sponsered event, just a fun ride...
  2. yamadogyz

    May 7th

    Hey, anyone planning to race Malvern next Saturday?
  3. yamadogyz

    Wednesday Malvern practice?

    Does anyone have a heads up if malvern is going to be up for a practice wednesday, usually theres one the wednesday before the race. Thanks!
  4. yamadogyz

    1st Malvern race of the year

    So who's gonna be there? March 27th, first race of the year. Anyone who is gonna be there stop on by and say hi, might help with the pre race jitters. My plates are the only ones like it, white on blue #55. This should be my first real race in my life, quite frankly I can't wait. I've been...
  5. yamadogyz

    Skyview Team HS

    Hey I have a few questions. 1. Anyone have any info on Skyview MX? I've heard of it and can't find any info on it. 2. Can someone explain how team hares work? My buddy Jeremy and I plan to run a few and would like to know how they work, also this ties into question one haha -Thanks in...
  6. yamadogyz

    Need to interview certified motorcycle mechanic

    Hey guys. I need to interview people from a career field. I want to get into motorcycle mechanics as one but I need someone to interview. They have to be certified too and do it for a living. Anyone out there I can ask some questions? Thanks!