Smith Rd.-- Next Generation... How would YOU revamp the track if you were drivin' the dozer?


PR Addict
Holy Crap....."THE WHOOPS" have been there since I started riding...And just like that they are gone.....Well atleast I got on tape 3-3....

I agree. I loved em' as messed up as they were. Now, nothing to separate riders, all will be going same speed! Hope he puts something in to achieve this!


PR Addict
those are two table tops? they look like two mounds of dirt! oh well just have to go table to table!wfo!


PR Member
Hi Guys,
I'm new to the forum, friend of Smitty's. I guess I'm dating myself when I say I used to race every other sunday and every two day holiday weekend race starting back around '72. I've known George for a long time. I just saw him this spring at the track when I stopped by just to visit. I didn't know he was selling the place. Who are the new owners? When I talked to him back then, he said he only ran a couple of races a year in order to keep peace with the neighbors. I'm surprised the track is still there at all. Cool piece of history, as is George himself.
Mike Hawkins