Republican Primary - Your Pick?


PR Addict
Who do you like and why? Who do you think will win?

I think Romney will win, but I don't like him. Seems to much like a "snake-oil-sales-type" to me.

Ron Paul has some good ideas, but I think he is too far out there sometimes to win.

I probably like Newt the best. I don't agree with his personal past, but as a politician I think he can do some good things.


PR Elite
Regardless of party affilliation it should be about who can do what's best for the country. Long term and short term.

And I'm not convinced Romney or Obama are the best we can do. We can do better.
There "MUST" be someone who can protect and fight for middle class working families, and not constantly be catering to wall street, large corporations and lobbyist.


PR Founding Father
Dont like Romney at all. I am going with Newt. I think he is the only one that can really beat down Obama in a debate, and thats what it is going to take to compete with the 1 BILLION dollars they are saying Obama is going to spend on his campaign.


PR Member
1BILLION to get a job that pays 400,000.00. Seems fisshy to me. Ron Paul said it was not neccessary to go in and kill Bin Laden also. Can't go with him just on that.


PR Founding Father
Dont like Romney at all. I am going with Newt. I think he is the only one that can really beat down Obama in a debate, and thats what it is going to take to compete with the 1 BILLION dollars they are saying Obama is going to spend on his campaign.

What other candidates didn't do in the last election (McCain) was go to colleges and universities and campaign there. Make it seem "hip to vote for so-and-so." Every corner, every building I walked to at University of Toledo, I had some Obama yapper giving me pamphlets filled with BS about how he's going to help ME the student so much. I sure feel "had."

I'd like to what Ron Paul would do for 4 years. The Media is really taking a wrap on him, with all the racism shots, him being old. (77 to me isn't that old, when I was working in a Nursing Home I had a resident who died at 108. The avg age in there was 90. The guy is healthy, big deal that he's 77. He's seen more administrations than anyone, that should give him SOOMMMEE credibility right?


PR Addict
NO one!!!
Not a single candidate is truly without their own, or purchased agendas.
Those who are in a position (especially career Politicians) to run for office don't get there by being honest? LOL
And by the time you get this far in the game you are corrupted and stained to the core. Regardless of party or non partisan affiliation.
Just the cold hard truth.


PR Addict
NO one!!!
Not a single candidate is truly without their own, or purchased agendas.
Those who are in a position (especially career Politicians) to run for office don't get there by being honest? LOL
And by the time you get this far in the game you are corrupted and stained to the core. Regardless of party or non partisan affiliation.
Just the cold hard truth.

True to an extent, but considering things went down the tubes over many, many years, incrementally, one tiny piece at a time, and "all or nothing" mentality accomplishes nothing, and a "they are all crooks" proclamation usually comes from someone who is too lazy to research candidates.

I simply view each election candidate and issue as to whether its an improvement over the current situation, or whether it restores one of the many tiny fragments of freedom that have been lost over time. I detest Romney, but if he runs against Obama, its a no brainer. Like many, I found that there are more than one better alternatives to Romney, which results in that vote being split up. I'll take Newt or Santorum, whichever appears to lead Romney. As for Ron Paul, I agree with his constitutional theories on domestic policy, but his ideas of sudden implementation of what has been gradually degraded over centuries is not realistic. His foreign policy to publically declare he would stand by and watch whatever happen in the world without intervention until it reaches our shores is about as moronic as our old home invasion laws that required an invader be inside your home, armed, and that you be able prove that he had the intent to kill you before you could legally shoot him. When a psycho says "I cant wait to build my nuclear weapon so I can kill Americans with it", the time to do something is not after its been launched.


PR Founding Father
"I detest Romney, but if he runs against Obama, its a no brainer."

Voting for the lesser of two evils isn't going to help the country either.

" I agree with his constitutional theories on domestic policy, but his ideas of sudden implementation of what has been gradually degraded over centuries is not realistic. "

Yeah, sad part about that is it shouldn't of degraded like where it is today. Gov't keeps getting bigger...and BIGGER.....and BIGGER.


PR Founding Father
Far too many politicians, we need a real leader, not politician, regardless of party affiliation. Sadly, we are screwed. All we have are these so called politicians. Where the eff is a dissendent of Theodore Roosevelt when you need him??


PR Addict
Far too many politicians, we need a real leader, not politician, regardless of party affiliation. Sadly, we are screwed. All we have are these so called politicians. Where the eff is a dissendent of Theodore Roosevelt when you need him??

Actually we had many new people run for offices in the last election, who where not politicians and they were widely ridiculed for having no political experience, and the media painted them as whack jobs because they were not establishment loyalists.


PR Addict
Voting for the lesser of two evils isn't going to help the country either.

I couldn't disagree more. Getting 75%, 50%. or even 25% of what you need to improve things will yield far better results for the populace than getting nothing. You have to take your victories where you can get them, and accumulate them. You lost your liberties through a long series of small defeats over years. You'll have to get them back the same way. For example, if the only thing Romney ever does different than Obama (which is unlikely) is approve the Keystone Pipeline, that helps the country by 20,000 immediate direct jobs, and 100,000 related jobs, and replaces some Venezuelan oil dependance with Canadian oil dependance, it helps the country, even though it may not be drastic. I'd view a lame president Romney not doing much over an Obama actively destroying the country as an option worth going to the polls.


PR Founding Father
Actually we had many new people run for offices in the last election, who where not politicians and they were widely ridiculed for having no political experience, and the media painted them as whack jobs because they were not establishment loyalists.

Probably ridiculed by the so-called politicians, as well as the media. Both suck.


PR Founding Father
I listen to WTAM1100. Mike Trivosonno show. Great show. Anyhow, not the point. But Triv made a good point the other day about politicians. He said something on the lines of: Even politicians that want to do well, once they get to that national level of politics they are screwed into corruption or someone will fork up a scandel on them and ruin the name.

It's a big dirty game is all it is.

Triv claims to have friends that tried to really make a difference but when they get to that level they said their hands are tied and are forced into either quitting or giving handouts.

I mean look at all the crap Cleveland is going through with Jimmy DiMora (sp) and Frank Russo.


PR Addict
I listen to WTAM1100. Mike Trivosonno show. Great show. Anyhow, not the point. But Triv made a good point the other day about politicians. He said something on the lines of: Even politicians that want to do well, once they get to that national level of politics they are screwed into corruption or someone will fork up a scandel on them and ruin the name.

It's a big dirty game is all it is.

Triv claims to have friends that tried to really make a difference but when they get to that level they said their hands are tied and are forced into either quitting or giving handouts.

I mean look at all the crap Cleveland is going through with Jimmy DiMora (sp) and Frank Russo.

Cuyahoga County's problems with Demora and Russo are a prime example of what happens when you have a single party with total control of an area over long periods of time with nobody to keep them in check. Wayne County has the same problem with the other party.

I did find it amusing that Chuck Shumer was lamenting the fact that the handful of Tea Party freshmen "don't even care about being re-elected".


PR Addict
I like any of the top three better than I liked John McCain the last round. I'd prefer Newt G. because he's the pick of the Donald. The Donald has one of the most brilliant business minds of our time. I think we need a businessman at the helm right now with the biggest issues being the economy, jobs, AND the impending doom of China.

I can assure you that Newt doesn't like China, or our intertwinement with them. I think he will take whatever steps that are to his avail to sidestep and check the power they have over our own economy. I think Newt may be more in tune with foreign policy as well.

Now-- I'm not saying that I approve of Barack in any way, shape or form, although I do like the guy as a person. I don't believe he is the total abomination that the RE-pubs are making him out to be. He DID serve up Osama Bin Laden on a platter, and pretty much shut Al Quieda down. The Stimulus may have saved GM, and the banking system-- and honestly may have avoided another depression. The economy has improved slightly during his watch, as has housing.

I AM wondering why Barack opted to back Libya, then came out of it w/o a deal on oil? Why in the hell not use Canadian oil, and put a refinery near the Canadian border, instead of pumping it all the way down to Texas for refining? I'd like to see tax cuts for domestic employers who keep labor in the U.S., rather than outsourcing it. In 2012 the name of the game is jobs, jobs, jobs. That's what the economy needs more than anything. We need to figure out what will work out in the health care debacle... I got charged $2100 for 6 hours of light physical therapy!

All in all-- I could live with Mit, but I'd prefer Newt. --L*64


PR Addict
True to an extent, but considering things went down the tubes over many, many years, incrementally, one tiny piece at a time, and "all or nothing" mentality accomplishes nothing, and a "they are all crooks" proclamation usually comes from someone who is too lazy to research candidates.

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, quacks like a duck, its a duck. I don't feel the need to research the migratory patterns, mating rituals, nesting areas, and feeding habits to conclude it is a duck.

I understand that many people go to the polls without an incling of who, or what the candidates are, or stand for, I get that. (not being a snob /just honest per my own personal conversations and debates). In this day and age of Idiocracy the Kardashians would recieve votes if they were on the ballot, I think I was able to read (there were pictures too!) about a few people getting elected to political offices, based most likely, Because they were Movie Stars, and Pro Wrestlers. fame rather than Merit, and our elections are becoming a mockery.

None the less I do apprechiate the condesending tone in your opening statement, Thanks. Please don't assume that by stating a simple fact that it makes a person simple minded or lazy. In fact there is a growing group of us lazy simpletons, as you have implied, who are fed up with the corruption and greed that plages our Government, Wallstreet, and Corporate American. I think they are called Tea partiers. I know that I for one believe that Americans deserve more than a choice between the lesser of two evils. In fact we should have a choice of no evils without any ties or alternative agendas, A Candidate that is Honorable and simply interested in the good of our country and its people. A Candidate who is not willing to sell us out at any price. I know this sounds like a fairy tale version of "A Politician in Shining Armor" and completely ludicrous. So I think I can safely say without rebutle, The short and sweet version of my original post was by no means intended to be a cop out. I am merely stating my opinion, "accompanied now with supporting argument". They are all corrupt. YES "they are all crooks". NO ONE! And I mean NO ONE! is incorruptable these days, inevitably I believe everyone in this business ultimately has a price, EVERYONE!!! We need fresh candidates with Morals. Not incumbants or career Politicians. And remove them when they show signs of spoiling or becoming stale.

On the other hand if you insist and would like to attempt to offer a contradiction?!? Well! Knock yourself out! I realize that was not your
intention. Just so you don't think I misinterpreted that. But hey! so far we have the freedom to do so if we choose, sort of.

I for one do not have any answers, I would not even attempt to insinuate that I do, and I certainly do not wish to be part of the problem. Yet I must (Hypocritically) point out that our Politicians of today never fall short of pointing out problems, and fall even shorter with offering true solutions.

Unfortunately I believe we are witnessing the end of our great Nation. We are teetering on the cusp of an irreparable economy, if we haven't allready crested, and possibly an Era for all of Humanity.

These political posts open the door for too much scrutiny, argumentative, and negative type posts. Playing with fire...


PR Founding Father
Romney is starting to get desperate in Florida now.....he has lost a huge lead and him and newt and head to head in the polls now. He lost Iowa to Santorum, won Mass, and lost in SC.......and somehow the liberal media still claims him to be the front runner.....They "liberal media, and democratic party" want to run against Romney. Romney is a liberal republican, and they can beat him. Think about it, he got elected to Governor in a LIBERAL state like Mass as a republican......not the guy I want steering the ship.


PR Founding Father
The media will say whoever they want to lose against Obama is winning by a landslide over the qualified candidate that would be able to win.

I read some dirt that the witch herself nancy Pelosi said "no way newt will win once it comes out". What's that mean ?? Newt must have some Dirt that the far left is really waiting to dish at him after the nomination perhaps ?


PR Addict
The media will say whoever they want to lose against Obama is winning by a landslide over the qualified candidate that would be able to win.

I read some dirt that the witch herself nancy Pelosi said "no way newt will win once it comes out". What's that mean ?? Newt must have some Dirt that the far left is really waiting to dish at him after the nomination perhaps ?

If they don't have any, they'll just make it up. They will roll in some old retired school teacher to talk about the detention he got in 1st grade, or how he colored outside the lines.